Keyword: «competence»

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Criteria, indexes and levels of formed of design competence are presented in the article and the pedagogical terms of its forming are selected. The method of evaluation the level of design competence is described. The results of comparative researches of among future engineers-teachers of sewing profile are presented in control and experimental groups.
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Training in a magistracy is an important step to becoming a professional researcher. Scientific-research work of students is carried out from positions of the competence-based approach, which is a concept of organization of educational process, in which the goal of learning is the acquisition of the totality of the necessary competences for the student as a future specialist. The article proves the competence approach in the organization of research work with students in the direction 110100 – Agrochemistry and soil science. Revealed conceptual approaches to implementation of requirements of the state educational standard of higher professional education on the implementation of research work with students. The analysis focuses on the theoretical aspects of the competence-based approach, commitment to its implementation on the part of teachers and students, evaluation Toolkit efficiency of the approach, including by regulatory authori-ties.
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This article deals with the historical regional trip (expedition) on the study of agricultural enterprises and rural settlements of the Omsk Oblast and West Siberian region as a method of forming cultural and professional competences in extra-curricular activities. The authors recommend a list of questions that should be included in the plan of study of agricultural enterprises, their history and modern infrastructure during his visit to the Central farm of the agricultural companies and the included in their management human settlements.
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This article analyzes the conditions of implementation of the competency approach in assessing personnel. Carried out an analysis of competency approaches in professional activities, are experiences of foreign experts working in the field of labor. The paper proposes to make the comparison made a staff member at runtime execution of the reference of the same work, and competence will be the best option for the standard measurement in Russian education.
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The article debated the question of ways and means of evaluating the quality of student learning outcomes in the implementation of competence-based approach in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational stan-dards. Proposed forms and methods of estimation, allowing to correlate competences of and methods of assessment.