Keyword: «translation transformations»

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The paper deals with some issues of achieving equivalence in the process of military interpreting from Eng-lish into Russian. The author focuses on a number of techniques of achieving higher equivalence levels through transformations based on situational approach practised by modern professional interpreters in the process of both consecutive and simultaneous interpreting.
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In our article we try to analyze the peculiarities of science fiction translation on example of R. L. Stevenson’s story “The Bottle imp" translation, made by O. Terekh. Science fiction text does not only repeat the characteristics of literary text, but also has a number of its own features: the large number of occasional vocabulary, some special realities and names. We have identified translation transformations used by the translator, to convey as close as possible the structure and vocabulary of the original text, while preserving the adequacy and comprehensibility.
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The article is devoted to the difficulties of poetic translation of English poetry. The work offers literal and poetic translations of English authors’ poems, and examines typical cases of the divergence of the English language with the Russian during translation. The authors distinguish the characteristic features of the poetic text translation.
In order to trace the ways of translation of poetic works, in our work we propose to trace the features of translation on the example of the poem AA Akhmatova's "Requiem" in the creative interpretation of the S. P. Onufrieva - SardanaAmginsky "Кутур5ан".S. P. Onufrieva strives to preserve the art and story originality of the original. The action in the Yakut version of the poem occurs in the same sequence, while retaining all the elements of the plot and compositional structure.
Our research is devoted to the analysis of translation transformations and language means in translation into Yakut of Russian version of the sonnet of Adam Mickiewicz "The road over an abyss in Chufut-Calais". A. Mickiewicz is a poet whose works have world fame, the great Polish poet. The translation of the sonnet into Yakut gave the chance to the Yakut reader to get acquainted with the work of the world literature in the native language. The relevance of work is that the analysis of translation transformations and language funds in translation of the sonnet into Yakut gives the chance to see a difference in poetic means of expressiveness of two languages.