Keyword: «professional training»

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The relevance of the problem under study is due to the need to include volunteer activities in the structure of professional training of future teachers, contributing to the formation of significant sociocultural values. The importance of including this component in the educational process of higher school is emphasized in the Concept for the development of volunteering in the Russian Federation, in the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 11, 2020 "On the inclusion of educational modules in the main professional and additional professional educational programs": Sample program of the discipline (module) "Organization of volunteer activities and interaction with socially oriented non-commercial organizations." The purpose of the study is to determine the components and mechanisms of the formation of social and cultural values among future teachers through volunteer activities. The authors present the leading theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation of social and cultural values (axiological, systemic activity-oriented, personality-oriented, competence-based approaches) and key vectors and components that make it possible to determine the level of their formation in future teachers. The competence-based approach is noted as basic one in terms of both the formation of empirical skills and the development of sociocultural components. This approach is of particular relevance in line with the introduction of a new generation of federal state standards of higher education, providing for the inclusion in the educational component of disciplines that allow the formation of personal socio-cultural values of future teachers. In addition, the article defines the leading research methods of the problem, which make it possible to assess the motivational, cognitive and reflexive components, as well as to identify the ratio of components, criteria and indicators of the formation of sociocultural values. The practical significance of the research lies in the determination of the main mechanisms of the formation of socio-cultural values among future teachers. The main mechanism is the inclusion of students in volunteer teams.
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This study deals with the problem that almost every adult person has complex professional or interpersonal situations when psychological assistance is needed, which gives rise to the need for the training of highly qualified psychologists of service activities, capable of effective self-realization after completing their studies at the university. The results of the study presented in this article confirmed the authors' assumption that university graduates in psychological specialties have a low and medium level of psychological readiness for professional self-realization but the graduate has a general idea of himself/herself as a professional capable of effective self-realization in the chosen profession. The development and implementation of the "Program for the Development of the Psychological Readiness of Students for Professional Self-Realization in the Conditions of Higher Education" creates an opportunity to form the psychological readiness of the future psychologist of service activity for professional self-realization purposefully, stage-by-stage. The purpose of the article is to draw attention to the problem of psychological readiness of students – future psychologists for professional self-realization and its possible formation within the educational system of the university at the final stage of training. The leading methods of studying the problem of psychological readiness of students – future psychologists for professional self-realization are the study of psychological and pedagogical literature, empirical methods of psychodiagnostics, the development and implementation of a program for the development of psychological readiness of students for professional self-realization in the conditions of university education, a pedagogical experiment. The theoretical significance of the article consists in disclosing an approach to the concept of "professional self-realization" in science and substantiating the need to form the psychological readiness of students – future psychologists for professional self-realization in the conditions of university education. The practical significance of the article lies in the analysis of the results of testing the "Program for the development of psychological readiness of students for professional self-realization in the conditions of university education." This program presents the target, resource and phenomenological components, it includes two content blocks (informational and practical), which makes it possible to repeat this experimental experience based on the material of other studies.
The article describes the features of training cadets of a military college for flying, the possibilities of computer simulation of a helicopter's controlled flight from the point of view of increasing the efficiency of forming professional competencies of future military pilots.
The paper presents the features of the professional training of a future computer science teacher for the use of artificial intelligence technologies to form a roadmap for an modular academic discipline based on cluster data analysis. Learning dataset include information about the choice of specific learning tasks by abstract students, about assessments of the formation of their profile skills and interest in studying the discipline. Data clustering is performed using the k-means method. The software implementation is based on the use of the machine learning and data analysis Python libraries: Scikit-learn and Pandas. The result of the training is the readiness of future teachers to use cluster analysis of data in their future professional activities to develop pedagogical recommendations for students on the choice of an individual educational route.
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In modern theory and practice of education, significant attention is paid to educational strategies. One of the important places among them is occupied by strategies for learning the content of education. These strategies provide students who use them with educational outcomes that are acceptable to them. This fully applies to the professional training of students at the university. The purpose of the article is to present an option for involving university students in the development of strategies for learning the content of professional training based on the study of the academic strategies they use. The work uses a theoretical analysis of publications on relevant topics, examines the general nature of students’ activity strategies. The results of the theoretical analysis make it possible to present the author's classification of educational strategies developed and applied in the process of modern professional training. The groups of strategies included in it are described: those designed by teachers for students; and those created by students for themselves and/or other students. The first group of strategies contains a large number of various options described by domestic and foreign scholars. The significance of the strategies of this group is to create an indicative basis for students to choose the most appropriate ones to ensure the success of mastering their future profession. The significance of the strategies of the second group is the implementation by students of their own way of mastering the profession using individual methods and means that allow them to achieve the goals they aspire to. The strategies of the third group expand the range of educational strategies of students due to the fact that they include educational strategies already used by other students and producing positive results. The results of the empirical study showed that less than a half of the first- and second-year students had a conscious goal of their activity, which they strived to achieve in the course of professional training. It was found out that more than a half of them used activity strategies that were of an academic nature, which gave positive results in the process of professional training. At the same time, it was revealed that almost half of the respondents did not determine or only partially determine the strategies they use. The presented material can be used from a theoretical point of view to continue the systematization of educational strategies; from a practical point of view, it is useful for organizing, implementing and improving the process of professional training at a university.