Vyacheslav Utemov

City: Kirov, Russian Federation
Degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Work: Vyatka State University
Post: Dean – Education Director of the Pedagogical Institute
189 Publications in RSCI
24 H-index
87 PAPAI index
38 Publications in the journal


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In the conditions of modern economic development in our country, the revision of the basic paradigms of education and the radical transformation of the models and mechanisms of the school teachers’ work are required from pedagogical and methodological science. The dynamics of the current changes in professional methodological language reflects the unprecedented accelerated renewal of school teaching technology. It is very relevant to approbate intersubject technologies of school education, improving the content of training in a particular lesson in accordance with federal state educational standards, and characterizing the experience and methodological potential of the educational organization. Thus, the purpose of the article is to describe the intersubject technology of adaptive learning and testing in school education. The authors of the article determine the methodological aspects of implementing adaptivity in school educational programs. The leading approach in this case is the modeling of the methodological system of teaching in general and additional school education with the inclusion of intersubject technology of adaptive learning and testing. Intersubject technology contributes to the achievement of unified learning results for schoolchildren in shorter time due to the most relevant content for each student. As a result of the study, the authors of the article differentiated the main components of adaptive learning technology, the development and implementation technologies of adaptive testing. The theoretical significance of the article is due to the contribution to the development of scientific ideas about intersubject learning technologies aimed at matching new knowledge to the level of the student's abilities development. Practical use of the described technology makes it possible to organize the step-by-step introduction of intersubject technology of adaptive learning and testing into the work of an educational organization. The article may be interesting both for theorists of school educational system and for practicing teachers and students who are trained in the field of "Pedagogical education".
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Pedagogical science has always faced an issue of searching for little time-consuming technologies of methodological support for teachers to achieve good educational results. This problem is especially urgent today, when those pedagogical methods and means which yesterday could maintain the interest of schoolchildren to study the subject, provide an opportunity for their development, become out-of-date in the rapidly changing world. Today, the approbation of new technologies for methodological support of teachers is very relevant. Thus, the purpose of the article is to describe one of the technologies of methodological support for teachers, namely the technology of developing boxed educational solutions. The authors of the article for the first time define the boxed educational solution as a package of program-methodological and subject-developing support that can be used by consumers of educational services (children, parents, teachers, administrators, employers) for independent use (turn-key project). The leading approach in this case is modeling the stages of development and phases of creating boxed educational solutions as a technology for developing boxed educational solutions for methodological support of teachers. As a result of the conducted research, the authors of the article differentiated the types of technologies for methodological support of teachers: customized and boxed solutions; the stages of educational solution development and the phases of a boxed educational solution creating are described. The theoretical importance of the article is due to the contribution to the development of scientific ideas about the technologies of methodological support for teachers. Practical use of this technology makes it possible to organize a step-by-step transition from the development of customized solutions to boxed educational solutions that help to reduce the time spent by teachers on the organization of educational activities of students. The practical value of the technology under consideration is justified by the project triangle, in which the important parameters of technology for methodological support of teachers are related: the amount of work, time and costs. Changing the values of one of these parameters causes the values of the other two to change. Boxed educational solutions allow you to balance the parameters and achieve the result of the planned quality.
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The article contains the results of microstudies conducted during the workshop mathematics teachers of the Kirov region on the implementation of innovative forms of organization of educational activity of schoolboys in the teacher's experience. Presented at the seminar reports, master classes and open class many forms, such as the flipped classroom, their devices, event-driven education, bricolage, open learning, crossover learning, computational thinking, adaptive learning, “cunning” assessments have been proposed for reflective assessment of more than 100 mathematics teachers in urban and rural schools of the Kirov region.
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The article describes a model of reliable estimation of cognitive development of a preschool child by means of the system of situations. Thus the leading technology is modeling the systems of open-type tasks of mathematical contents and the system analysis of big selections of experimental data based on the two-point scale of four parameters: optimality of the ideas offered by children; efficiency of the reasoning given by them; originality of their answer and level of decision development. As a result of the pilot study conducted in 2015 on selection of 3,800 preschool children, it was succeeded to approve the offered technology of estimation and to generalize results in the form of the integrated assessment of relative character – coefficient of cognitive development level. Mathematical-statistical processing of the results of the research allows to prove uniformity of experimental selection and to specify the level of cognitive development with a reliable accuracy of normal distribution for each age group of the preschool child basing on calculation of samples quartiles that in turn can define the further program of individual development of a child providing his transition to higher level of the general education and consequently, higher quality of education.
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The article presents the interim results of experimental work in the school-lyceum for the formation of functional literacy competence of students, which focuses on the modernization of the primary and secondary education. Authors are encouraged to use creative lesson structure proposed in teaching system NFTM TRIZ by M. M. Zinovkina