Keyword: «self-esteem»

The article described the process of professional and creative development of students as the leading content-methodological component system of personal and professional development of future professionals. The necessity of integrating the requirements of GEF IN and professional standard, defined initial methodological postulates of specialist training in higher education, ensuring the effectiveness of professional and creative development of the personality of the future specialist, proposed and experimentally tested system of gradual progressive, progressive development of the creative potential of the individual, analyzed the dynamics of development of professionally significant personality traits of students on an example of the direction of training "Social work".
The article discusses the formation and development of self-esteem of first-graders with the influence of such psychological-pedagogical factors: life experience, material and spiritual level of the family, the style of family upbringing, pedagogical communication style, the estimated impact of teachers, readiness for school, success in learning, personal factor (picture of yourself), physical health, appearance, relationships and communication with peers, age.
The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of self-esteem formation in childhood, in particular, the influence of the family on the development of self-esteem of the child in primary school age is considered. The results of a psychological study proving the relationship between the style of family education and self-esteem of the student: the predominance of authoritarian strategies in relation to the child leads to the formation of low self-esteem.
This paper examines the styles of family education and types of modern communication between children and parents, as well as the impact of parental education on the self-esteem of a teenager in a single-parent family. A study is presented that contains an analysis of methods and statistical data on the level of self-esteem of students from single-parent families who passed the survey.
The paper presents a study of behaviour strategies and emotional barriers in interpersonal communication in adolescents. The relationship between the self-esteem of mental states of adolescents and the presence of emotional "interference" in them is shown, which may indicate that the level of emotional efficiency in communication can be reduced by reducing the level of anxiety, friction, aggressiveness, rigidity, i.e. increasing the self-esteem of mental states.