ART 470239
The present article is devoted to the issue of teaching dialogue as one of the types of communicative activity, describes approaches to teaching the dialogue pattern existing in the methodology and suggests different types of preparing, conditionally-communicative and communicative exercises for practicing foreign students’ skills and abilities in the process of implementation of communicative intentions.
the russian language, skill, dialogue, teaching, exercise, ability, dialogue unit, the learner
ART 470240
The comparative constructions, formed with noun «life» are being scrutinised in the article. The structural components’ line of the concept «life» is distinguished by the author in the process of writing. On the one hand, the components are being turned into the attribute of comparison, but, on the other hand, are being extracted due to comparative content. The structural variations of сonjunctions and non-conjunctions are also listed.
ART 470241
In article the mythopoetic binary motive "love-hate" is considered. Lyudmila Ulitskaya addresses antique images and heroes, reinterprets them, creates the new literary myth. Hints on literary heroes of the Russian writers who mifopoetizirutsya by the author are analyzed and intertwine with ancient mifopoetiky.
ART 470242
The subject of this article is the complicated and unconventional language of Z. Prilepin's novel "Abode". Traces the shift of the essence of the Russian word as a kind of artistic method of the author.
ART 470243
The article discusses the images of the characters with in the novel by V. Maximov "the Seven days of creation" fundamental to the realization of the author of the Christian concept. Notes the meaning of the sacred symbols, their connection to the Universe, which are reflected in Christian aesthetics.
ART 470244
In article methodical methods of formation of historical concepts on classes in Story of Russia with the students foreigners learning Russian at a stage of pre-university preparation are considered.
ART 470245
The article presents the reviews of Yu.P. Annenkov contemporary critics on his insufficiently studied novel "Heaviness", which was created in the best period of his work. Outstanding critics of the Russian diaspora V. Khodasevich and G. Adamovich unanimously noted the bright talent of the writer, but at the same time, the artistic form of the novel, which turned out to be beyond the limits of classical aesthetics and traditional approaches to plot creation, was unclear to them.
ART 470246
Article is devoted to reception of poetry of V. Ya. Bryusov in works of the Russian writers of the beginning of the XXI century L. E. Ulitskaya and Zakhar Prilepin; it is written on material of their new works: novel "Yakov's Ladder" (2015) and "Monastery" (2015). Comes to light that the bryusovsky idea about plurality of the truth becomes conceptual for the latest Russian literature at the description of a postrevolutionary historical era in aspect of the total spiritual crisis which has arisen in the Russian society.
ART 470247
The article presents an analysis of the theme of belief and unbelief in the dreams of the main character of the novel. The author comes to the conclusion that dreams Artem Goryainov are based on the principle of pressure and weakening, which allows to describe more deeply the character, to look into the deepest corners of his subconscious, to get closer to understanding the essence of what is happening in the literary fact, and also to trace the path of spiritual evolution of the hero, finding yourself, finding true values.
ART 470248
Authors argue on importance of introduction of a country study component to training materials on Russian as foreign. Practical recommendations about the mechanism of selection of the training material directed not only on development of the major lexical and grammatical skills, but also on formation of a historical and cultural background which is an obligatory component of successful cross-cultural communication are made.
ART 470249
In article topical issues of studying of the Russian prepositional and case system at the elementary level in foreign audience are considered. The most typical difficulties which the teachers of Russian as foreign and foreigners learning Russian at various approaches and the principles of the presentation of a training material in modern textbooks and manuals on Russian for foreigners meet are analyzed.
ART 470250
The article considers the conditions of both linguistic and psychological nature promoting the formation of potential vocabulary of students in non-linguistic University. Skills in any field of human activity are formed through exercises. When preparing exercises aimed at skills formation to expand vocabulary of students of non-linguistic higher education institution, you must consider some important factors that are considered in this article.
ART 470251
In the article, devoted to the study of the form of the Russian verb determines the semantic scope of a lexeme in the formation of the perfectly species of oppositions based on the ratio of lexical-semantic variants of polysemantic verbs.
ART 470252
The article considers the variation of the plot line in the creation and development of the images of the heroes of the novels of S.Sergeev-Tsensky "Transformation". To this end, attracted a wide range of material: numerous sketches for the novel, letters of the writer. It is emphasized that the variation of the plot line of the novel, the formation and development of images is refracted through the artist's reflections on the word about God, about good and evil, about modernity, about real and mystical, about work.
ART 470253
This article deals with the problems of computer training foreign students of the preparatory department. The authors emphasize the importance of adopting studies. Computer training at pre-university stage of studing of foreign students involves combination of methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language and informatics.
ART 470254
In article dynamics of a concept COLD in the parties of his rapprochement with a concept the WOMB is analyzed.