№ 04 (April)

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In 2022, we can sum up the results of the first decade of the inclusive education legislative framework development, and the search for ways to use it in practice in our country. As a result, a number of contradictions emerged between: the desire to use foreign experience in Russia, and the complexity of its transfer to the Russian education system; the norms of the organization of inclusive education registered in the documents, and insufficiently developed mechanisms for their application; the attempts to use traditional methods of education aimed at expanding schoolchildren's ideas about the life of people with disabilities, and their insufficient effectiveness in building up an inclusive culture among the subjects of the educational process; understanding of the importance of a high level of the inclusive culture of the teacher, and insufficient elaboration of theoretical aspects related to understanding the essence and structure of this phenomenon. There is a problem of finding ways for a teacher to solve specific professional tasks of inclusive education, with its inherent risks and contradictions, and the specifics of the domestic experience. All this determines the relevance of the chosen topic. The purpose of the article is to theoretically and methodologically substantiate the phenomenon of "inclusive culture of a teacher", which ensures success in solving various kinds of professional and pedagogical problems in the context of the spread of inclusive education practice in Russian reality. Achievement of the goal was ensured by the consistent solution of the following tasks: to identify the content and structure of the "inclusive culture" concept, to specify it in relation to teachers, to analyze the existing contradictions in the domestic experience of inclusive education, to suggest teachers the ways of solving the relevant professional tasks in practice. The leading approaches to the study of the problem relate to the methodology of humanistic pedagogy: polysubject, personal, activity-oriented and existential approaches. The main results of the article: the structural components of the "inclusive culture of teachers" concept are defined, the most complex professional tasks are examined, which can only be solved by a teacher with a high level of inclusive culture. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the facts that: there was revealed a less studied motivational-sensory component in the structure of the inclusive culture of the teacher in comparison with the value-semantic and activity-communicative ones, to the content, the methods of formation of which the existing scientific literature gives more close attention; the ways have been developed to resolve a number of contradictions existed in the domestic experience of inclusive education, which can be applied by a teacher with a high level of inclusive culture, with its harmoniously formed components, including motivational-sensory one; it is proposed to consider a polysubject approach as a methodological basis for inclusive education, which allows us to form friendly relations in an inclusive environment. The article analyzes the reasons for the rejection of the basic ideas, norms and rules of inclusive education by the subjects of the educational process. It was revealed that the methods of cultivating an inclusive culture are used in practice sporadically, haphazardly, often without affecting deep personal structures, emotional-sensory and motivational spheres, which does not allow subjects of inclusive education to fully accumulate experience of interaction and communication with people with disabilities. The methods proposed by the author for solving professional problems related to the specifics of domestic inclusive education will contribute to the improvement of this process in practice.
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The changes taking place everywhere require the ability to have non-standard, creative thinking, the skill to solve complex problems quickly, as well as to adapt to rapidly changing conditions. In this regard, the society is forming a socio-economic demand for the formation of a creatively active imagination from an early age. In response to this highly relevant request, the influence of imagination on the development and formation of the child's personality, including his aggressiveness, is more and more discussed in the pedagogical literature. The purpose of the study: to identify the influence of imagination on the aggressiveness of older preschoolers and to substantiate the methods of its pedagogical correction. Research stages: search and preparation (the psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem was studied; methods and techniques for further empirical study were selected); experiment (selection of an experimental site – educational institution Kindergarten No. 332, Chelyabinsk); selection of participants in the experiment and their preparation (n = 65); measures were worked out for conducting an ascertaining experiment; control and generalization - the results were interpreted according to P. Torrance's method of identifying the level of imagination "Draw a picture" and the method of diagnosing aggressive behavior by O. Ilenko; mathematical and statistical processing of the results was carried out using rs-coefficient of Spearman's rank correlation. As a result, it was found that 25% of preschoolers have a high level of imagination and 25% have a low level of aggressiveness in behavior; 60% have an average level of imagination and 60% - an average level of aggressiveness in behavior; 15% have a low level of imagination and 15% - a high level of aggressiveness in behavior. The calculation of the Spearman's coefficient confirmed a significant relationship between imagination and the level of aggressive behavior in older preschoolers. The novelty of the study can be seen in the original sample of preschoolers, in the time of their special development during the COVID-19 pandemic, in the selection of methods for studying the problem. In addition, there were no exceptions in the sample caused by childhood psychopathology and functional disorders, which are predicted by irritability of preschool age. The main conclusions are combined into two groups, and they are reflected in the selection of existing methodological recommendations for teachers and parents: firstly, this is a clarification of the conclusions about social interaction, and secondly, this is a clarification of the conclusions about preventive measures and pedagogical correction of aggressiveness in preschool age children. The provisions relating to the issues of correcting the imagination and aggressive behavior of preschoolers took a special place in the process of compiling recommendations.
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The relevance of the problem under study is connected with the study of the peculiarities of the development of motivation for innovative activity among teachers of additional education. The motivational sphere of a teacher, the value and meaning of professional activity is a powerful factor that determines professional development, sets its content, direction, intensity and patterns of using personal potential. The purpose of the study: to identify the level of development of motivation for innovative activity among teachers of additional education, to design a psychological and pedagogical program for the development of motivation for innovative activity among teachers of additional education. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the work of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of developing an innovative system of additional education for children, the motivational sphere of a teacher. Research methods: theoretical (study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature; analysis, generalization and systematization of information from scientific sources); empirical (testing, questioning, pedagogical experiment); methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis. The study was conducted on the basis of the municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Center for Children's Creativity" in Tula. The study involved 20 teachers of additional education. The diagnostic program included the following methods: a scale of readiness for creative and innovative activity (S.Yu. Stepanov), diagnostics of personal self-actualization (A.V. Lazukin’s method adapted by N.F. Kalin), diagnostics of group motivation (I.D. Ladanov), assessing the readiness of a teacher to participate in innovative activities. The developed psychological and pedagogical program is aimed at improving the professional competence of additional education teachers, developing motivational readiness for innovative activities, positive thinking skills, etc. The developed program includes the following general forms of work: seminars, classes with elements of training, design, competition, creative tasks, etc. It is based on the following principles: science, system, availability, activity and consciousness. As part of the program, teachers of additional education master pedagogical techniques for developing motivation for innovation. The results of the study can be used in organizing psychological and pedagogical support for teachers of additional education.
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The socio-economic forecast of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 determines the priority directions in the transformation of the system of secondary vocational education (SVE) as the main driver of production. The implementation of innovative and forced trends is complicated by a number of barriers associated with a shortage of highly qualified specialists according to world criteria. This study focuses on the challenges faced by the system of secondary vocational education, namely: the social and age characteristics of students in vocational education institutions, their weak motivation to get a high-quality education. On the other hand, the qualifications of the teaching staff necessary for the implementation of modern educational programs are of concern. In addition, the information age makes adjustments to the educational process, dictating the requirements for its transformation and training of specialists with modern competences. The purpose of this study is to provide a scientific and practical justification of the problems faced by the SVE system and to study possible scenarios for their solution, which will allow timely and adequate response to changes in external conditions both in the labor market and in the field of technology. The article is based on the use of the following methods: a theoretical review and analysis of domestic and foreign literature on the problem of research, pedagogical observation and generalization of teaching experience in the SPO system. Based on the analysis of scientific and pedagogical, socio-economic and methodological literature, it is revealed that a necessary condition for improving the quality of the learning process is the professional development of the teaching staff of the vocational school. It is concluded that practice-oriented training in the form of a dual system is the highest priority, allowing the integration of theoretical and practical skills, which makes the educational process more multifaceted and comprehensive. Summarizing the results of the study, we have found promising directions for improving the quality of professional training of students in the form of organizing a demonstration exam that allows an independent expert assessment, as well as participation in competitions of various levels, while participation in the WorldSkills International and WorldSkills Russia professional skills championships is the driver of tomorrow's competences.
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The realities of modern social and political life are characterized by vivid discussions, polemics and disputes, which cause an active interest to the skills and abilities development issues for conducting a discussion, which undoubtedly entails the necessity to develop unprepared foreign language speaking skills. The purpose of the presented research is a theoretical substantiation of the effectiveness of training discussion introduction into the process of linguistic students’ professional training, aiming at developing the unprepared foreign language speaking skills, as well as a description of the practical scheme of using this pedagogical technology for academic purpose from the point of view of modern linguodidactics. The article proves the pedagogical principles used during modeling problematic communicative tasks within the creative practical approach and learner- centered approach in the process of teaching the linguistics majors. Being based on the experience of using this training format within the “Practical course of English language verbal communication culture”, the authors state that the proposed pedagogical technology increases the motivational component both for mastering the academic subject and preparing for future professional activity, positively influencing the mechanism of reducing psychological barriers during the “imitative communication”. Moreover, the main methodological advantage of the pedagogical technology proposed is linguists’ unprepared speaking skills developing. The conclusions and proposals on the introduction of such communicative activity form as training discussion into the process of professional training of future linguists made by the authors represent the significance of the work both at the theoretical and practical levels. The theoretical significance of the research lies in the fact that the discussion communication process analysis is conducted both from the position of linguodidactics and linguistic stylistic characteristics, which contributes to an integrated approach to modeling situations of potential discussion. The practical significance of this article lies in the fact that the research materials, as well as the conclusions made by the authors, can be used to work out both the thematic discussion cycles, and fragments of separate classes aimed at formation and developing the unprepared foreign language speaking skills.
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Global changes in the education system today entail new requirements for the personality of the teacher. Such changes are connected, first of all, with the transition from traditional (full-time) education to distance learning (online). The digitalization of the educational environment, the main characteristic of which is the development of new technologies, methods and organizational forms of education, contributes to the transformation of the functional roles of the teacher, and hence the formation of his/her new list of functions and roles. Among the new functional roles that a teacher should perform in a digital educational environment (DEE), the following can be distinguished: organizer of project-based learning, game master, coordinator of the educational online platform, knowledge validator, developer of educational trajectories, educational content unpacker/packer. The revealed new functional roles of the teacher contributed to the experimental work. The purpose of the article is to present the results of a theoretical analysis of the literature and experimental work on the formation of a new list of functions and roles of student teachers in a digital educational environment. The article defines the leading theoretical and methodological approaches, components of the functional roles formation (motivational value-oriented, cognitive, operational and reflexive-regulatory ones), and also reveals the ratio of components, criteria and indicators of the formation of new functional roles among teacher candidates. The scientific novelty of the study is in clarifying the content characteristics of the "functional roles list" concept. The data obtained during experimental work will allow to effectively carry out the process of forming the functional roles of the student teachers, and theoretical conclusions can be used as a basis for studying the problem of forming functional roles of teacher candidates in the digital educational environment.
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Socio-economic challenges have actualized the problem of improving the quality of human potential in the system of higher education, which ensures the favorable conditions for the individual-personal system of training a future teacher based on interaction with labor market partners. The solution to this problem requires the study of professional identity, which ensures the successful self-realization of students in building their careers in professional and pedagogical spheres in the process of forming professional orientation of the individual to meet the needs for social and professional development. Purpose: this work is devoted to the study of the characteristics of the professional identity of student teachers to activate the process of forming professional orientation of the individual, contributing to the self-control and self-development of students according to their individual educational trajectories, together with labor market partners. The main provisions of the of professional identity study by S.K. Bondyreva, U.S. Rodygina, L..B. Schneider and others make the methodological basis of the work. The professional orientation of the person was considered on the basis of the provisions formulated by Yu.A. Afonkina, T.L. Mironova and others. Determination of the degree of professional identity development was carried out with the use of the questionnaire by U.S. Rodygina (2007). The level of professional orientation formation was diagnosed according to the method of V.B. Veretennikova, O.F. Shikhova, N.V. Telegina (2021). The received data were processed using a licensed version of the Microsoft Excel 2010 spreadsheet editor. The study resulted in presentation of empirical data on identifying the characteristics of the professional identity of students in the process of forming professional orientation as an integrative quality of a future teacher of a preschool organization, represented by a system of his/her dominant professional needs, motives, value orientations, which is embodied in the professional intentions, goals, attitudes of the student and active work for their achievement in educational relations. The novelty of the results lies in the possibility of designing individual education to form the professional orientation of students by meeting their individual needs and requests necessary for self-determination in the profession. The experience of the authors in designing individual higher education allows us to build educational and professional work in a new way, as well as successfully implement the variability of education and the formation of a professional orientation, which contribute to building an individual curriculum for students for self-determination at all stages of education at a university, as well as successful adaptation of university graduates to the conditions of their workplace.
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Modern society can rightly be called information and digital society. Digitalization of all spheres of public life and, above all, education is one of the key tasks facing the Government of the Russian Federation. The article provides an overview of modern approaches to understanding the digitalization process, analyzes digital resources (Kham Academy, Pointagram, Quiver Fashion, Igro-N) and the potentials of their use in the educational process of a preschool educational organization. The article also contains material on gamification as one of the modern educational technologies that ensures the maximum involvement of children in the learning process. Gamification as a technology allows each student to determine their level of difficulty of tasks and receive bonuses for their completion. Gamification is also considered as the use of gaming techniques in the educational field. The article presents the results of an experiment conducted on the basis of the educational organization "Kindergarten No. 75" in Chelyabinsk, in which educators, students and parents of children took part. The purpose of the study is to learn about the readiness of participants in educational relations to use digital technologies. The research methods were: a survey of educators to identify their digital literacy, as well as a conversation with children and their parents, during which it was found that modern students cannot imagine their lives without gadgets, virtual and augmented reality and TV. The results of the experiment show that the active use of digital technologies in the educational process of a preschool educational organization meets the needs of students, as well as the digital policy pursued by the Government of the Russian Federation outlined in the national project "Digital Economy in the Russian Federation". Carrying out the measures stated in the document will also make it possible to form human resources capable of meeting the challenges of the digital world and meeting the requirements set forth in the Atlas of New Professions (gaming teacher, game master, organizer of project-based learning, etc.).
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The problem of the low level of drawing skill among applicants from specialized educational institutions persists for years. Weak or undeveloped drawing skills of modern schoolchildren at the level of general and additional education, in turn, delay the development of the ability to solve professional design tasks by future engineers. We face this problem of graphic training of students both at the level of secondary vocational and higher education. The aim of this article is to examine the level of students' primary graphic skills in technical drawing, to determine the importance of graphic skills in the professional design training of future light industry engineers. To achieve this purpose, we analyzed up-to-date scientific works devoted to the issues of graphic education of engineering majors. The ability to draw by hand is noted as a basic skill of professional education, characterizing the level of spatial perception of graphic objects and, in general, the level of intelligence of an engineer. Russian and foreign authors note a low level of primary graphic culture among students, but this indicator is a necessary basis for successful design training, therefore, the indicated problem requires detailed study. The relevance of this problem is confirmed by the data of our research conducted in 2020 and 2021. This is about diagnostic experiment devoted to examination of students’ primary graphic skills when they made a technical drawing of dress. The experiment was carried out on the basis of "Kirov Technological College" and "Vyatka State University". The factual material was collected by the method of criteria-evaluative testing of students. To analyze the results of the diagnostic experiment, theoretical analytical methods were used with the application of mathematical statistics methods. In addition to questioning students, a survey was conducted among college and university staff. The survey made it possible to analyze the current situation from the point of view of teachers of higher and secondary vocational education, who confirmed the problem of poor graphic training of entrants. The theoretical significance of the work is in the analysis of highly specialized literature on the research problem, the study of the experience of teachers who practically teach engineering students. A system for evaluating the technical drawing of dress in the work of first-year students was theoretically substantiated and developed. The practical significance of the article lies in the methodological material for evaluation the primary graphic skills of students, as well as in a complete review of the diagnostic experiment conducted as part of a scientific research on the topic of teaching the technical drawing of dress to future light industry specialists.
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The relevance and significance of the study are determined by the trends in the development of Russian education. This innovative education is aimed at formation of a person who is ready to changes in social environment due to development of his or her creative abilities, formation of motivation for continuous education, effective communication and collaboration abilities. Change of educational paradigms means refusal from traditional understanding of education as a way to get a ready-made knowledge. Education is a property of a person, a means of his or her development and self realization. All components of the educational paradigms require hence changes in educational approaches, methods and practices, as well as technologies and aids. These changes resulted in the recognition that the student-centered and systemic activity-oriented approaches are the leading ones in the Russian education system, which was documented in the State Educational Standard. The project activities became important on all stages of school education as a factor affecting the development of students' universal learning activities. The social project management is one of the project activities areas and it is designed to create conditions for a person to improve his/her social competences through social activities. In this connection there arises a question, what are the conditions for successful application of social project management methods in modern middle school. The aim of the research is to understand and to give a precise definition of the term 'social project management technologies' in the context of the world and Russian experience, so as review of organizational and pedagogical conditions and their successful implementation in the middle school educational process. The present research followed a complex approach, including research studies and scholarly works concerning the topic, as well as questionnaire method which made it possible to determine practical basis to apply organizational and pedagogical conditions at educational institutions. The present article reveals general elements of the social project management technologies and their stages, as well as a number of organizational and pedagogical conditions for their successful application, presents the analysis of teachers' questionnaires aimed to study real conditions in educational institutions. The theoretical relevance of the research is in characteristics of the social project management methods with reference both to project method and to leading educational tendencies in Russia. The practical relevance of the research allows us to use the obtained results for improvement of organizational and pedagogical conditions in educational institutions.
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This work highlights the theoretical aspects of the use of game learning situations in the process of forming self-service skills in children of younger preschool age. Game methods and techniques, which include game-based learning situations, make it possible to solve educational tasks more effectively, as they cause increased interest in children, activating their cognitive interest, concentration of attention, and help to quickly assimilate relevant knowledge, skills and abilities.
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The development of the tourism sector is associated with an increase in the tourist flow and, as a result, an increase in the environmental burden on natural objects. Due to the current epidemiological situation in the country, the closure of external borders, the Altai region has become a “point of attraction” for tourists over the past two years. It is quite obvious that the issues of ecological tourism are currently very relevant for the region. The purpose of the work is to assess the prospects for the development of ecological tourism in the Altai region. Main results: the authors made the analysis of the state and ways of tourism industry development in the Altai region and justified the prospects for the development of ecological tourism in the Altai region.