№ 02 (February)

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The problem of finding pedagogical conditions for preparing university students for cross-cultural scientific communication is relevant in pedagogical science, since it (as the analysis of literature, regulatory documents and electronic sources shows) is poorly developed in theoretical terms. Taking into consideration the gap discovered, it becomes necessary to study the issues of identifying and substantiating special pedagogical conditions that will contribute to the formation of competences of direct and virtual interaction in the framework of cross-cultural scientific communication. The leading approach to the study of the problem is the communicative-cultural approach, which is a form of integration of two interdependent approaches: communicative and cultural. Based on its key provisions, as well as taking into account the bi-directional specifics of cross-cultural scientific communication, we have identified two pedagogical conditions that have a personal stimulating effect on the educational process and optimize the organizational and technological aspects of the process of students’ traning at the university. The first condition is the creation of a communication-oriented intercultural educational environment in the process of foreign language learning. It is aimed at the formation of the cross-cultural scientific communication competences in direct communication situations. The second condition is the adaptive implementation of the educational process in the e-learning system. It is necessary for preparing university students ready for cross-cultural scientific communication in the virtual space. A theoretically significant result is the structuring of communication-oriented intercultural educational environment in the process of foreign language learning, which includes spatial-subject, social and psycho-didactic components; and consideration of ways of organizing adaptation in an e-learning course through adaptive presentation of course materials, adaptive testing and adaptive navigation.
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The concept of distance education is associated with the concepts of online learning, open education and continuing education, learning with the use of online and digital technologies. Distance education is considered to be more flexible and convenient for the participants of the process, however, there are more questions than answers in the process of its implementation at the moment. The period of forced transition to distance learning has revealed common problems and formed new priorities in the development of education. One of the urgent tasks is to study the factors of ensuring the effectiveness of distance learning. The purpose of the study is to determine the elements of building an effective learning system in a distance format based on modeling of the process. The study is based on the principles of system and technological approaches. Methods of analysis and synthesis, process modeling were used in the study. The main problems in distance education at the present stage are related to: 1) technical support of the process, 2) preparedness of students and teachers for the implementation of the educational process; 3) organization of interaction in the course of process; 4) organization of control of the educational process and learning outcomes. The theoretical significance of the study is reflected in the construction of a model of the distance learning process, taking into account the identification of the main interacting subsystems (student, teacher, methodological and technical subsystems), as well as the main functions (planning, organization, motivation and control). In accordance with the proposed model, the factors that ensure the effectiveness of distance learning forms at each stage of training are determined. Distance education cannot be based on the same principles as classical full-time education. Educational institutions still face the task to work out courses in accordance with the needs and expectations of students; teachers - to integrate technology into content effectively in order to ensure the involvement and deeper learning of educational material. The practical significance of the study lies in the application of methods of planning, organization, motivation and control in the implementation of training in specific disciplines (modules) in the process of distance or mixed formats.
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The relevance of the research is due to the need to develop the modern content of higher professional education of teaching staff, taking into account the practice-centered principle. Specialists working with families with children should have appropriate professional knowledge and skills related to the ability and readiness to provide pedagogical and psychological support to children and their families with risks of desocialization and maladaptation, as well as those in need of social services. The main reason for the emergence of such a need is usually associated with a violation of the process of personal social development, which is due to the improper implementation of the leading activity, personal losses, violation of attachment, parental alienation. The article presents the characteristics of the results of domestic and foreign studies of social development and social learning models: a model of human development (child, adult), a model of psychological and pedagogical work with a loss, attachment theory, theory of social learning. The purpose of the article is to theoretically and empirically substantiate the significance of the content core of the «Model of social development and social learning» in the main educational program in the training area 44.03.02 “Psychological and pedagogical education” and specialization profile «Family education». Analyzing the problem of studying models of social development and social learning in the content of the main educational programs of higher pedagogical education, we relied on the following scientific approaches in our study: personal, socio-cultural, salutogenic and competence-based. The main results of the study are related to the characteristics of the main educational program in the training area 44.03.02 “Psychological and pedagogical education” and specialization profile «Family education» in the context of the content core of the «Model of social development and social learning». The theoretical significance of the research lies in the fact that the results can be used in the development of the content of the main educational programs at the bachelor's (master's) level for the professional training of specialists working with socially vulnerable categories in the social sphere. Practical significance - the solution of the scientific problem to develop the content of higher professional education of teaching staff through the substantiation and introduction of modern practice-oriented content of the basic educational program for training specialists in the social sphere at the level of bachelor's degree studies. The article presents the characteristics of the experience of implementing the basic educational program for the bachelor's degree level, training area 44.03.02 - psychological and pedagogical education, «Family education» profile at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Moscow State Pedagogical University.
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In modern society, the problem of overcoming shyness in adolescents has not lost its relevance for many years. In the course of its solution, contradictions arose connected, on the one hand, with the study of the level of manifestation, and on the other hand, with the development of specific pedagogical technologies, methods, programs that would reduce the negative effects of shyness. The goal is to study the specifics of preventive work with adolescent shyness within the framework of a music education studio and work out pedagogical recommendations for the implementation of this activity. Research methods and techniques: theoretical - analysis and generalization of psychological and pedagogical literature; empirical – experiment, ascertaining experiment, testing (method of diagnosing shyness by K. S. Chechulina, the "Ladder" technique by V. G. Shchur, the method of studying self-attitude by S. R. Panteleev); methods of mathematical data processing – Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. The experimental base of the research is the “Rostok” musical education studio at the Palace of Arts for Children and Youth in Kopeysk. The study involved adolescents - pupils of the studio - at the age of 12–14 years (N = 30). A high level of shyness was found in 37% of the subjects, an extremely high level in 10%. This means that the pupils of the music studio are closed, experience difficulties in communicating with their peers and with the teacher, cannot demonstrate their abilities and talents, and react painfully to comments and criticism. Testing the hypothesis using the Spearman rank correlation coefficient showed that the level of shyness of adolescents was associated with the level of their self-evaluation, the correlation between them is reliable, the direction of the correlation is the opposite: a high level of shyness corresponds to a low level of self-evaluation. Therefore, you must avoid the conditions when a child is in a situation of uncertainty or doubt. The teacher should involve the teenager in public affairs that he can participate in; praise him/her when the teenager shows independence; stimulate his/her personal responsibility for any actions and avoid tension situations.
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The relevance of working with competences related to academic writing is registered in the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3++ in the area of training 45.03.02 "Linguistics" (bachelor's degree level) and is associated with active international contacts and the emergence of new forms of the scientific functional style implementation. Academic writing in its genre and stylistic organization tends to the scientific functional style (oral and written speech, taking into account the style and composition: structure, argumentation requirements, the use of metalanguage, discursive markers and other elements). The purpose of the article is a brief description of the methods for developing academic writing skills in Linguistics majors (language proficiency level B2-C1). Based on the material of modern literature on the topic of research, as well as on their own experience, the authors made an attempt to describe methods for working with academic writing. An analysis of domestic and foreign literature shows a high interest in the research topic and determines a variety of research priorities, presenting academic writing in the form of an umbrella term, which is considered as a set of methodological, pragmatic, linguistic and other aspects. The main results of the article describe the work on the scientific style and academic writing in native and foreign languages, with ready-made texts and with the preparation of texts. It is noted that academic writing, in addition to its basic form “argument - justification - conclusion”, can have other forms; work with academic writing also includes the development of critical reading skills. The work examines some techniques using information and communication technologies (Grammarly, Plagiarisma, AWL Highlighter, etc.) and case technologies. The theoretical significance of the work lies in the presentation of relevant information on the topic. The considered methods were tested on students with language proficiency level B2-C1; adaptation of methods makes their application possible at other levels. The conclusions provide generalized information on the topic under consideration.
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In modern theory and practice of education, significant attention is paid to educational strategies. One of the important places among them is occupied by strategies for learning the content of education. These strategies provide students who use them with educational outcomes that are acceptable to them. This fully applies to the professional training of students at the university. The purpose of the article is to present an option for involving university students in the development of strategies for learning the content of professional training based on the study of the academic strategies they use. The work uses a theoretical analysis of publications on relevant topics, examines the general nature of students’ activity strategies. The results of the theoretical analysis make it possible to present the author's classification of educational strategies developed and applied in the process of modern professional training. The groups of strategies included in it are described: those designed by teachers for students; and those created by students for themselves and/or other students. The first group of strategies contains a large number of various options described by domestic and foreign scholars. The significance of the strategies of this group is to create an indicative basis for students to choose the most appropriate ones to ensure the success of mastering their future profession. The significance of the strategies of the second group is the implementation by students of their own way of mastering the profession using individual methods and means that allow them to achieve the goals they aspire to. The strategies of the third group expand the range of educational strategies of students due to the fact that they include educational strategies already used by other students and producing positive results. The results of the empirical study showed that less than a half of the first- and second-year students had a conscious goal of their activity, which they strived to achieve in the course of professional training. It was found out that more than a half of them used activity strategies that were of an academic nature, which gave positive results in the process of professional training. At the same time, it was revealed that almost half of the respondents did not determine or only partially determine the strategies they use. The presented material can be used from a theoretical point of view to continue the systematization of educational strategies; from a practical point of view, it is useful for organizing, implementing and improving the process of professional training at a university.
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The problem of interaction between a teacher and a student in a secondary school, its nature, essence, functional and organizational characteristics have become the subject of research in the field of such sciences as philosophy, psychology and pedagogy. One of the tasks for solving the above mentioned problem is to find and implement new forms of education, among which interactive techniques and methods can be distinguished as a way to support the educational process, the transition from the reproductive to the active paradigm of knowledge development, to education based on constructive joint activity of all participants in the educational process. This determines the relevance of the research topic. The main goal of this work is to reveal the influence of interactive lessons on the level of foreign language acquisition in the senior grades of the secondary school of the Moscow region. Observation and conversation were defined as research methods, which were carried out at the ascertaining and control stage. "Cluster", "puzzle" (or "mosaic"), "cases" were chosen as interactive methods. The conducted research has shown the effectiveness of the use of interactive methods in the process of teaching a foreign language. The implementation of our proposed methodology for organizing an interactive foreign language lesson contributes to an increase in the level of knowledge among students, since it is possible to note a positive dynamics in the levels of mastering a foreign language, in our case, English, by 10th grade students of the «Georgievskaya Gymnasium» using interactive methods. The theoretical provisions contained in the study, obtained as a result of in-depth analysis of key methodological works of Russian and foreign experts on the topic of our research, drawn conclusions and practical developments allow us to optimize the selection and implementation of methods and means for organizing educational interaction between students and teachers in the English language lessons. We have tested the developed the technology of organizing and conducting educational interaction, as a result of which the joint work between teachers and students can be effectively initiated. The obtained research data testify to the effectiveness of the use of interactive teaching methods in foreign language lessons in high school, since they contribute to increasing their level of foreign language communicative competence and proficiency.
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The article is devoted to topical issues related to the development of a methodology for teaching mathematics, aimed at stimulating the educational and cognitive activity of students. There are the contradictions, the resolution of which can contribute to an increase in the activity of students in the process of learning mathematics. The purpose of the article is to develop the main provisions of the methodology for teaching irrational equations, aimed at stimulating the cognitive activity of students. The author uses modern works on the problem of stimulating the cognitive activity of students in the following directions: organization of independent cognitive activity; development and organization of creative research cognitive activity; stimulating of schoolchildren in learning; formation of the cognitive interests of schoolchildren in the general educational aspect; search for rational methods and individual techniques of cognitive activity and teaching students to use them; particular methodological procedures contributing to the stimulation of cognitive activity. The leading approach is the process approach to learning, ensuring that students understand the mathematical content. The causes of reduced attention and understanding of the studied material are revealed, and the methodology for teaching irrational equations at school is built on this basis. The developed teaching methodology meets the requirements of modern federal state educational standards. The main result is the selection and substantiation of the conditions for the stimulation of students to study irrational equations in the secondary school. The theoretical significance of the article lies in the development of methodological approaches to the study of irrational equations in secondary school. The results of the study can serve as a basis for writing other scientific papers on a given topic. The practical significance is due to the fact that the results of the study can be used for educational purposes, as well as the possibility of applying and implementing the program of extracurricular activities in mathematics "Mathematical Workshop on Solving Irrational Equations".
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The use of Internet technologies in the process of university education is very important now, since it is associated with the mechanism of their influence on the success of learning activities. The purpose of the work is to examine the psychological condition of students during the period of distance learning, to find the ways of maintaining psychophysical health. The results of the study made it possible to supplement the existing factors for the deterioration of the psycho-emotional condition of students. Based on the data on the body's response to mental strain under the influence of educational stress, the author reveals the main directions and means of ensuring the increase of adaptive mental and physiological reserves, preserving mental performance and health in the learning process.
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The article is devoted to the identification of the relationship between normativity of behavior and social anxiety among students – future teachers and psychologists. The study involved students of Cherepovets State University (N = 106). Based on the combination of behavior normativity level and the tendency to comply or not comply with the norms, the author identified four types of students who had a positive or negative relationship with various types of social anxiety. The obtained results can be used in the process of forming moral and ethical values and professional competences of students – future teachers and psychologists.