№ 06 (June)

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The paper deals with the problem of retention and increase of intellectual potential of the region. The author describes the criteria of its estimation and the factors of reputation loss. The structure of the characteristic of the intellectual attractiveness of the region is based on the example of such indices as inventor activity, migration, attraction of investments, presence of technological jobs on the labor market.
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The paper deals with the role and place of will regulation in the decision-making process, the steps of the motivational process and points of bifurcation of the motivation process. The uncertainty of the situation plays an important role in this process. It is shown that the uncertainty in the process of motivation can be caused by both lack and excess of information. The Author proves the connection between motivation and the personal energy.
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Great attention is paid to development of innovative potential of young people in modern conditions of reforming of the Russian higher education. An important factor in achieving this goal is scientific-research work of students. The authors of the paper analyze the problems of assessing the effectiveness of research work in Russian universities. According to the authors, performance of research work can be covered in two aspects: cognitive and innovative. Cognitive effectiveness is reflected in stimulating students' learning activity. The results of the research show that cognitive efficiency of students research work is loosely related to professional adaptation. Innovative efficiency of research work depends on the formation of students' deep interest in science, autonomy of thought, responsibility. These qualities cannot be generated within the framework of educational process in modern higher school.
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The paper presents the data of the ratings of the World Bank on the level of nominal gross domestic product of the countries, the results of the formation and analysis of the competitive structure of the global eco-nomic system in 2013-2015. The authors use the method of nuclear separation to obtain the data.
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The paper deals with standards and information systems, used in the management of organizations. The author presents the functionality of the most well-known domestic and foreign systems.
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The paper deals with the classification of scientific disciplines and branches of scientific knowledge. The drawbacks in the training of engineers associated with the imperfection of the educational standards. The authors formulate the problems of engineering pedagogy and ergonomics, which need to be addressed in the preparation of highly qualified personnel.
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The article deals with the experience of training in mathematics with application packages, such as Maple and Mathcad for students of humanities and pharmaceutical areas.
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The paper refers to the concept of coping strategies. It includes the results of forming experiment, which was aimed at the development of relaxations skills of sales managers. The authors found some changes in coping strategies after using the forming experiment.
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The paper is devoted to the historical development of geometry. The purpose of the research is to show that apart from the geometry, which is taught in schools and universities, there is another geometry, called Lobachevskian geometry. It significantly differs from the Euclidean geometry. Coming from delivered purposes, the following major objectives are identified in this work: the main provisions of Euclidean geometry and the foundations of the Lobachevskian geometry, the consistency of Lobachevskian geometry. The paper will be useful to students of physical and mathematical departments of universities and pedagogic institutions of higher education. It can be used by lecturers and students in classes with profound study of mathematics.
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The paper is devoted to the constitutional right on education of the Russian Federation citizen. The author analyzes different definitions about education; characterizes the concept of “right on education”, proved by national and international legal acts; defines the levels of education.
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The paper is addressed for primary school teachers using New Federal State Educational Standard. It contains didactic materials on Natural History of the Sverdlovsk region. The materials can be used at the lessons of Mathematica, Russian language, integrated lessons and extracurricular activities. They contribute to the development of patriotic and civil upbringing of children, history of the native region.
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The paper focuses on the development of the second-graders’ mental operations in the process of studying geometry materials. The paper presents the educational tasks, which help to master geometry topics.
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A comparative analysis of the Russian market of direct sales and the German market, revealed the difference in the level of sales volume per distributor and the number of distributors on the market. Proposed two hypotheses these facts. To confirm the hypotheses, the cluster analysis one of the distribution network and comparative analysis of cluster indicators.
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The paper deals with the technique of definition of production costs of installation for measurement of side plays in the spindle pin connections and bearings of naves of forward wheels for trucks and buses with not cutting axis of an original design and technical and economic indicators of efficiency of a design pay off. The used technique is suitable for calculation of economic parameters and other systems and units of cars.
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The paper deals with the modern model of management accounting institutional actors of the economy; new methods and tools of management accounting. It proves the need for accounting and analytical systems in the management of business entity as a factor for improving governance and economic growth.
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The paper considers the problem of divergent thinking formation among senior teenagers in the process of solving creative problems.
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The paper discusses the diagnostics of connected speech of preschoolers with the general underdevelopment of speech. The authors analyze diagnostic techniques of different authors, detect contradictions in the structure and develop the system of diagnostic tasks. The paper includes the description of the organization, conduct and results of practical research based on MKDOU № 429 "Teremok" (Novosibirsk).
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The paper is devoted to modern technology of educational tasks designing – storytelling. The authors views peculiarities, functions and types of pedagogical storytelling; propose main themes-constructors; gives ex-amples of application at practical lessons and seminars at the University.