№ 2 (Kuban State University branch, Slavyansk-na-Kubani)
ART 470011
The article deals with the system of work in a primary school on the development of logical thinking with the use of folklore. The author shows the techniques and methods of forming mathematical concepts.
ART 470012
The estimation of efficiency of formation creativity program for students is fulfilled. Research was con-ducted within the framework of the theory of measurement of latent variables, based on Rasch model. The latent variable «creative self-efficacy» is defined the based on set of indicators. Statistical analysis has shown that all indicators are compatible with each other and consequently all set of indicators can be used as the measuring tool. The questionnaire possesses good differentiating ability and corresponds to estimation of creative self-efficacy of students. Measurement on a linear scale of the latent variable «creative self-efficacy» has allowed to carry out the multifactorial analysis of variance students’ creative self-efficacy depending on their specialty and grade. Results of the analysis of variance have shown, that based on creative self-efficacy there are significant distinctions between students depending on their specialty and a course.
ART 470013
The Author addresses the question of socio-psychological adaptation of students-orphans (persons among them) to the educational environment of the University.
ART 470014
In this article the problem of formation and development of the coherent speech of preschool children with the general underdevelopment of the speech by means of a nonconventional method of activization of own statements – evident modeling is considered. By means of this method at children of this category abilities logically, consistently to state the thoughts are formed. Besides this method allows each preschool child to approach creatively creation of own statements, at the same time holding a certain plan in designing of the speech.
ART 470015
The relevance of this work relates to global changes occurring in our state and society. The transition to a market economy has created a need for competitive, flexible, creative-minded, educated, moral, enterpris-ing man. In accordance with the requirements of the FSES of educational and training processes should be aimed at comprehensive development of the child. To increase the motivation of students and concretiza-tion of popular destinations among students the questionnaire was developed. The statistical analysis of survey data was conducted using a Rasch model, an important property which is the subjective objectivity of assessments.
ART 470016
In this article, on the basis of the study the results of the graphical abilities of primary school pupils in solving problems. This topic is relevant, and its solution requires the development of new methodological and substantive base. Since starting elementary school and throughout the training, students acquire graph-ic skills.
ART 470017
This article will examine the role of parents in preparing children for school. The results of our study willing-ness of parents to prepare children for school.
ART 470018
The article presents practical materials, showing the possibility of applying traditional and nontraditional methods of drawing in the process of development of coherent speech of the senior preschool children with General underdevelopment of speech. The authors highlight the research results and propose some meth-ods and techniques of work of a speech therapist in a preschool institution with the use of artistic activities.
ART 470019
The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the development of creativity in the learning process,since it is its Foundation. This theme is eternal pedagogical problem and does not lose its rele-vance, requiring constant attention. Today's world needs people who are enterprising, creative, able to find new approaches to solving problems and challenges and to be useful to society. So, today, one of the main tasks of the elementary school education of a creative personality.
ART 470020
The article presents results of development of math concepts of first graders by means of fine activities. This topic is a problem and does not lose its relevance. The use of pictorial means in the formation of mathematical concepts first-graders is a vital activity that should be used effectively in the educational process, helping to improve the quality of students ' knowledge, the formation of a relatively solid skills.
ART 470021
This work reveals the way to: protect and enhance the physical and mental health of children; the develop-ment of individual talents and creative potential of each child; forming their moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic qualities; preparation to the training activities that the Federal state educational standard. The au-thor identified an effective psycho-pedagogical methods and techniques, health saving technologies in log-opedic work with children of senior preschool age to overcome violations of cognitive processes in pre-schoolers with speech. A survey of speech therapy problems of preschool children with General underde-velopment of speech before the beginning of the experimental study by the method of I. D. Konenkova, allowed the author to develop a set of speech training with the inclusion of health technologies for children of senior preschool age. Comprehensive speech therapy with the use of health technologies optimizes the correction process in the speech of children logofatu and promotes healing of the body of the child.
ART 470022
The author attempts to reveal the multifaceted concept – anticipation. The researcher analyzes the different approaches for the identification of anticipation. In conclusion, rightly concludes the importance of anticipa-tion, as the most important as a modern leader of the educational organization.
ART 470023
In connection with the emergence of new priorities in education, from elementary school students need not only to be educated intellectually, but also be able to think creatively, independently analyze and solve problem situations, to act flexibly in accordance with the ever-changing world. One solution to this problem is the use of modern educational technologies. This article discusses the importance of and the need for problem-based learning technologies in the educational process, as well as provides results of the work on activation of informative activity of younger schoolboys at russian lessons.
ART 470024
This paper examines the main features of modern models of training of highly qualified personnel, operating in Russia and European countries, as well as a comparative analysis of these models, including the factors driving their use in some regions. The question of the connection features of this model with the needs of the market (including the labor market), as well as their competitive potential in the development of the global economy.
ART 470025
The article continues the cycle of works on research of mental health of teacher in the conditions of crisis in education and the development of a methodology to measure it. The author, using the technique of objec-tive measurements, proves the validity of his hypothesis about the relationship between mental health of teachers and the increasing aggressiveness of the students.
ART 470026
The article crafted value the role of ethical education in conditions of modernization of education. The author on the basis of practical research analyses the level of moral education of younger students.
ART 470027
Learning activity of students is linked with intense intellectual activity, a significant energized focus and vi-sion. All this against the background of low physical activity leads to deterioration of their health and lower-ing efficiency. The paper presents theoretical and methodological bases of forming of personality physical culture of students for the development of innovative methods in educational process of higher educational institutions, which ultimately will contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health of rising genera-tion in the context of activation in motor mode.
ART 470028
This paper presents a study of activization of educational activity of first-graders in lessons on literacy. The question how to build training for students to enhance their learning activities. Describes the types of work conducted with students, and also presents the results of ascertaining stage of the experiment.
ART 470029
The article discusses the features of the social and psychological well-being of adolescents from single-parent families. The results of diagnostic feelings of loneliness and self-esteem of adolescents from single-parent families. Reflected some differences of children from complete and incomplete families.
ART 470030
The article presents a classification of the facts and the specific situations in the educational process, which amounted to a specific field of modern didactics. Interactive methods are proposed for the development of communicative skills.
ART 470031
Due to the increasing role of after-hour activity of younger schoolboys, there is a practical need for the de-velopment of its content and organization techniques. At the present time, even with the introduction of the federal state educational standards of the potential for extracurricular activities for the development of crea-tive imagination of pupils underutilized.
This article presents a study of the impact of development of creative imagination in the two educational institutions.
Research of productivity of exercises on development of creativity in children of younger school age
ART 470032
Results of a research on detection of productivity of the exercises creating creativity are stated. The author considered conditions of increase in interest in educational activities at children.
creativity, antitsipation
ART 470033
In article the problem of development of professional competences of students of pedagogical higher education institution reveals. The research within which has been carried out is conducted: the stating stage consisting in determination of the real level of professional competences of students; the forming stage during which the program of development of professional competences has been developed and introduced; a control stage for definition of effectiveness of an experiment.
ART 470034
In the article the maintenance of concepts "pedagogical conflict" and "conflictological culture of the teacher educational institutions". Presents the results of research work on the detection of the level of conflictologi-cal culture of teachers.
ART 470035
Article is devoted to a research of personnel capacity of rural schools on the example of the Crimean region of Krasnodar Krai. In work it is necessary the beginnings of the analysis of motivators of teachers of rural schools. These researches can serve as primary material for further deeper analysis of motivators and as a result of overall performance of teachers. Work has the statistical property displaying a quantitative ratio of teachers and their qualification.
ART 470036
The article examines the problem of motivating students to skills of literate writing in the aspect of vocabu-lary words in the Russian language lessons in primary school, a new approach to work on vocabulary words, increases the interest in their study.