№ 06 (June)
ART 241079
The relevance of the study lies in the fact that it gives a general view of the problem of pedagogical relation as a key concept in pedagogy and an aspect of pedagogical activity and its role in the redemption of juvenile offenders in the works of A.S. Makarenko and H. Nohl. The purpose of the article is to analyze the current state of scientific knowledge in the field of studying the phenomenon of pedagogical relation as a fundamental concept of pedagogy and an aspect of pedagogical activity and its role in the upbringing and redemption of juvenile offenders in the concepts of A.S. Makarenko and H. Nohl. The present study is based on the provisions formulated in the works of the leading Russian historians of pedagogy, devoted to the characterization of methodology and theory of historical and pedagogical knowledge, as well as the interpretation of the pedagogical heritage of great educators by domestic and Western pedagogues. The essence of pedagogical relation and psychological and pedagogical conditions for its formation are revealed. The influence of the environment (political-economic, socio-cultural conditions, pedagogical ideas) on the formation and functioning of education and redemption of street children in the practical and theoretical works of A.S. Makarenko and H. Nohl is also noted. Both general similarities in the disclosure of pedagogical relation of the two teachers and differences in their views are highlighted and argued. The specific aspects of collective education of juvenile offenders are substantiated and the strategies of interaction between educator and pupils are considered. The theoretical significance of the results of the study lies in the generalization of ideas and concepts formulated in the works of the classics of domestic and foreign pedagogy of the XX century, which allow us to improve the conceptual foundations of educating children and adolescents. The theoretical provisions formulated in the study supplement and clarify the essence of pedagogical relation as a key concept in pedagogy, contribute to a fuller understanding of the problem of education and rehabilitation of young people in modern conditions. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the views and ideas of A.S. Makarenko and H. Nohl in the field of pedagogy can be used to improve the modern educational system and can be used in the educational process in various disciplines: social pedagogy, history of pedagogy, psychology, anthropology. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it provides a holistic view of the problem of pedagogical relation as a fundamental concept of pedagogy. An attempt to apply the approach to the study of pedagogical relation in the context of education and redemption of young pupils in the concept of A.S. Makarenko and H. Nohl has been made. The comparative analysis of theoretical tenets of the outstanding teachers of the last century on the key issues of upbringing is carried out for the first time.
ART 241080
The relevance of this article is evident due to the intensive development of economic, political, cultural and educational ties between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China. Currently, the number of Russian-speaking students studying Chinese is growing every year in Russia, and due to the complexity of mastering the Chinese language, students face considerable difficulties in learning the Chinese language. The main problem is that most authors of textbooks, when developing them, are based on the Common European Standards of Foreign Language Proficiency and focus on the formation of foreign language (intercultural) competence, including social, strategic, compensatory and other competences. At the same time, the Chinese language competency standards developed in the PRC are not taken into account. The structure and content of these standards have been constantly evolving and improving since the release of the first standard in 1988. Currently, China has Standard 3.0, which includes three levels and nine sublevels, which must be taken into account when teaching and designing Chinese language textbooks. Standard 3.0 clearly defines the goals and content of training, topics of communication, aspects of language, linguistic and cultural knowledge, etc. The purpose of the article is to identify the essence, structure and content of competency standards for proficiency in the Chinese language and determine the implication of teaching Chinese to Russian-speaking students. The research materials were publications of Russian and foreign authors, which deal with issues of Chinese language competency. The research is based on the use of methods such as theoretical analysis, synthesis, systematization and comparison of the results obtained. The author came to the conclusion that the use of the Chinese Language Competency Standard when designing textbooks will make it possible to better adapt the educational process to the needs of students and improve the training quality of specialists in Russia in the field of the Chinese language. The theoretical and practical significance of the study lies in the fact that its results can be useful for the development of the theory and methodology of teaching Chinese to Russian-speaking students; for developing programs and teaching materials.
ART 241081
The relevance of the article is due to the obvious current need in the conditions of modernization of higher education to find new productive forms, methods, and learning tools that meet the requirements of the modern student-centered educational paradigm, among which facilitation technologies play a significant role. The teacher-facilitator's knowledge of algorithms for organizing various types of facilitation, in particular basic and developmental ones, understanding the differentiating features of team and collaborative group work of students, the ability to use effective student-centered facilitation techniques (Work Out, Future Search, Open Space, Polarization of opinion, Brainstorming) in the process of a group work facilitation are mandatory components of pedagogical and professional skills of a modern university teacher. The purpose of this study is to examine the functionality of facilitation technologies in their implementation in the group work of students. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the authors explore the functional potential of using facilitation technologies that have already successfully shown their effectiveness in practice in organizing group work of students at the university. The authors define the characteristic features of team and collaborative group work of students, when implementing facilitation technologies in it, noting the wide educational and formative potential of such activity, possible formats of its organization. Two types of facilitation can be distinguished at the current stage of the development of theoretical research in this field: pedagogical and social. The first one considers increasing the productivity of education and the development of subjects of the professional and pedagogical process due to the communication style and personal characteristics of the teacher. While the second focuses on increasing efficiency in terms of speed and productivity of a person's activity through the actualization of the image of a rival person or a human observer in a person’s mind. The study makes an attempt to assess the advantages of collaborative group work of university students, as well as to reveal the process of facilitative interaction not only between the teacher and university students, but also within the group itself. The article justifies the idea that proper communication is one of the important key life skills and it is necessary for group work of students. The main requirements for improving communication skills among the students of the group, knowledge of which is necessary for the teacher-facilitator, are clarified. The authors come to a logical conclusion about the wide functional potential of facilitation technologies in organizing group work with students. The theoretical significance of the article lies in the authors' expansion of scientific ideas about the prospects of facilitation technologies in the higher education system. The results of the study can be used by teachers of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation in practical work when organizing various types of group work of students in project-based activities, lectures and practical classes.
ART 241082
The emergence of the construct “design” as one of the leading activities in modern education actualizes research into “risks” and “risk management”, since the volume of possible negative research in the event of risks being realized in the context of the increasing number and scale of design in education may exceed the positive results. The attitude towards risk management in the education system is gradually changing – the concept of “zero” risk is replaced by the concept of “acceptable” risk, risks and their consequences are a significant category in the design and implementation of educational projects. The risks of educational projects in the context of the creation and implementation of large-scale national projects (national educational projects) are spread throughout the country, a huge number of people and influence the life path of people for a long time, meanwhile the risk life cycle of an educational project is shortened. The process of risk management in education is gradually institutionalized, rules and norms for risk management of educational projects are being developed, which is reflected in the accepted professional standards for teaching staff. The purpose of this article is to identify risk management models for educational projects. The author has made an attempt to generalize the known models of risk management of educational projects in the structure of an educational organization and to identify the characteristic features of various management models. The research was carried out using methods of reflexive problematization, modeling, analysis and synthesis. As the research has shown, insufficient attention is paid to risk management in the theory and practice of managing educational projects and it is mainly implemented according to a combined model (at the same time, multiple combinations are implemented). The study shows that risk management models for educational projects are possible when they are based on functional and process approaches, while the choice of risk management model and approach is determined by factors of the scale and innovativeness of the educational project. As the work showed, further study of risk management models for educational projects can reduce the volume and scale of the consequences of realized risks, which in turn will support public confidence in the development of the education system and increase the significance and contribution of the educational system in shaping the student’s personality.
ART 241083
The need to update the design and delivery methods of lecture as the main organizational form of teaching is recognized by the overwhelming majority of Russian and foreign scientists. However, orienting the academic community towards the introduction of interactive lectures, during which it is planned to use various tasks to enhance the students’ cognitive activity and develop their critical thinking, most researchers limit themselves to considering only the theoretical component of this problem, without offering any methodological solutions. Those publications that contain descriptions of certain techniques cannot claim to provide a systematic solution to the identified problem. The relevance of this study is due to the need of scientific and pedagogical staff of universities for scientifically based and experimentally tested methodological recommendations for organizing interactive discrete lectures. The purpose of the study is to develop methods for delivering an interactive discrete lecture based on the use of modern digital technologies and time management principles. An analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature has convinced us that many scientists today have some experience in using such technologies as “flipped classroom”, “problem-based learning”, etc., as well as various digital programs that provide formative control and feedback from the students during the lecture. However, this material needs to be systematized and transformed into a methodologically sound and experimentally tested system for designing and delivering an interactive lecture in the conditions of the modern university. The recommendations given in this article for the design of the structure of a discrete lecture, as well as the use of digital and problem-based methods in the presentation of educational information, are based on the results of an experimental study, thanks to which it became possible to find the reasons of the rare use of interactive tasks during lectures, the lecturers’ attitude to this problem, as well as the most effective forms of activating the students’ mental processes, allowing to increase students’ attention, and all these factors immediately affected the memorability and application of acquired knowledge to solving practical problems. Methodological recommendations cover such issues as time-management of a lecture, requirements for preparing an electronic presentation, the use of specialized digital programs for organizing formative control, methods of problem-based learning during a lecture, etc.
ART 241084
The relevance of the study of mentoring is caused by the personnel hunger (especially in the technical sphere), the need to use complex automated systems that require certain competences. At the same time, improving the quality of life of the population should meet the challenges of the present day. People should feel involved in their professional activities, perform additional competences from the field of self skills, and reach their career potential. The development of corporate energy education has become an opportunity to work with representatives of the energy sector. The phenomenon of mentoring in corporate energy education is a bridge from theory to practice. It is here that the support of a professional in the labor function is given, which allows a person to build his/her individual career. However, the undeveloped model of mentor training, the isolation of professional activity from the principles of mentoring form a problem of methodological nature. Mentor training models have been developed for the pedagogical sphere. But these models cannot be realized in the conditions of corporate energy education. The purpose of the presented article is to determine the most optimal model of mentor training in the context of corporate energy education. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the research are based on the achievements of professional pedagogy using theoretical methods of cognition: retrospective analysis and content analysis of documents, literature, scientific works, as well as comparative analysis and generalization of results. The fundamental scientific approach is the system activity-oriented approach. As a result of the analysis of world and domestic practice of mentor training model development, a general model of training, threat factors related to the specifics of the energy sector were formed. Based on the results of the analysis, the competences necessary for effective mentor's activity were identified. Further scientific research will be conducted as an analysis of the best world practices of training and implementation of mentoring in the third space. Experimental research is necessary in the field of analyzing self skills of specialists from the non-pedagogical sphere who have received awards "For mentoring". Such a research work will provide the development of a relevant mentor training model for the corporate energy sector in partnership with energy employers. The results of the study are based on understudied sources of global mentoring practice in different spheres, which can contribute to the development of understanding of mentor training models in Russia.
ART 241085
The skills of intermedial analysis are an important component of the professional competence of Philology majors. The ability to find relationships between works of various types of art, analyze the causes and specific aspects of artistic dialogue will deepen students' understanding of the genesis of artistic trends, will allow them to trace the origin of canons and deviation from them both in directions and trends and in the work of individual authors. Thanks to the skills of intermedial analysis, students acquire a systematic view of culture, develop the ability to solve problem tasks of a scientific nature, and develop a steady interest in comprehending the symbolic nature of a literary text. The lack of methodological work on the formation of intermedial analysis skills gives the relevance to the presented work. The aim of the article is to propose, substantiate and characterize the use of a combined lecture in the educational process as one of the possible means for developing skills of intermedial analysis among Philology majors. The process of forming skills of intermedial analysis is demonstrated by the example of a lecture within the author's original course "Intermedial interactions in Art" developed for philology students of the Sevastopol State University. The article describes the forms of work on comparing the images of peasants in Russian and French literature and painting of the XIX century within the framework of the topic "The image of a small man in literature and painting of the XIX century in the context of typological and contact relations", analyzes the common and distinctive features of works about the life of rural workers. The lecture material is based on the deductive method and the method of analogy. The analysis of the studied artistic phenomenon is made with the use of cultural-historical, historical-typological and analytical methods, as well as systemic and hermeneutic approaches. The result of the conducted research was the proof of the effectiveness of the combined lecture in the process of forming the intermedial analysis skills and development of the following skills among Philology majors: the ability to compare artistic phenomena and discover similarities and differences in them; the ability to find the nature of the relationship between the works of art based on personal communication of the authors; the ability to consider general trends in art in a socio-historical context; the ability to trace symbolic connections in the form of images, ideas, and artistic techniques based on text analysis; the ability to use a systematic approach in the study of art as part of the cultural heritage of the world. The practical significance of the work is due to the developed methodological recommendations for delivering a combined lecture.
ART 241086
The relevance of the study is determined by the position of modern China in the international educational environment, Chinese experience of creating a successful postgraduate education in a relatively short period (1978 – 2024). For the first time, the dynamics of the postgraduate education development from the point of view of obtaining doctoral degrees from 1978 to 2022 has been analyzed and systemic contradictions of the postgraduate school institute in China have been identified. The purpose of the article is to study and analyze the experience of postgraduate education in China on the basis of statistical data and scientific papers on the issues of postgraduate education in China. Research tasks: to give a general description of postgraduate education of China; to identify the trends of postgraduate education. The following methods were used: method of analysis and synthesis; descriptive method for the presentation of specific educational processes involving diachronic and synchronous approaches; the use of the historical method was necessary for highlighting the process of formation of postgraduate education in China; elements of statistical analysis were used to demonstrate the dynamics of the educational process. Results: modern postgraduate education (Master`s programs and doctoral programs) or the 3rd level of Chinese higher education, which is a reflection of the American model, has demonstrated positive development dynamics over a relatively short period. This is the result of normative and regulatory documents worked out by the Party and government apparatus of China, which monitors the activities of universities and the process of awarding academic degrees. The number of qualified specialists with academic degrees in the field of engineering sciences is twice as the number of those in the field of "natural sciences". The problems within the international educational environment, nominated as the "Chinese educational crisis" are highlighted (the growing financial dependence of foreign universities on the investments of Chinese students and the influence of the Chinese scientific diaspora in the academic world). The internal contradictions in Chinese postgraduate education (the need to diversify doctoral programs and degrees) are outlined. The theoretical and practical significance lies in the possibility of using the successful experience of Chinese postgraduate education in the domestic university environment.
ART 241087
The relevance of the research topic is due to many reasons, including the existence of a correlating relationship between the level and quality of higher education with the general condition of the lawyers’ practice area. Thus, saturation of the labor market with highly qualified specialists will significantly reduce the quantitative and qualitative rate of national crime, improve the preventive and defensive activities of law enforcement agencies, ensure sustainable economic growth and the level of investment attractiveness, and it will also help ensure proper protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens. The main purpose of the study is to examine the case method in the framework of teaching legal disciplines, to study its internal and external properties, and to determine the prospects for the development of this method. The article analyzes the provisions of the regulatory framework and pedagogical doctrine on the use of the latest methods in the educational process for training future lawyers. The opinions and approaches of domestic and foreign researchers are analyzed, general problems on the stated topic and ways to resolve them in the foreseeable future are presented. The axiological foundations of the case method use in the educational process and the prospects for the development of this category are also defined. In the course of this study, the author examined the progressive approaches of domestic and foreign researchers to the integration of modern educational technologies and teaching methods into educational practice. The strengths and weaknesses of integrating foreign experience into the domestic "educational environment" are outlined. The results of the research presented by the author are the quintessence not only of the accumulation of accrued theoretical material, but also of long-term practical experience in teaching legal disciplines. The theoretical significance of the achieved results lies in the possibility of their use in the course of further scientific research on the organization of the educational process in educational institutions and organizations of higher education. The practical significance of the results obtained lies in the possibility of their use for the methodological works in legal disciplines.
ART 241088
The relevance is determined by the need to organize an improved educational process through the use of modern information means for cadets' training in the context of developing their ability to think strategically and predict the enemy's actions. For this purpose, it seems reasonable to develop scientifically substantiated methodology for the formation of operational-tactical competence of military cadets through the use of informatization elements. The purpose of the article is to consider the main aspects of formation of professional operational-tactical competence of future officers as a component of their readiness for professional activity, as well as the development of ways to improve tactical skills in the process of studying special tactical disciplines on the basis of the modern information technologies use. In order to achieve the set goal on the research topic, the method of studying and analyzing scientific and pedagogical literature was used, which made it possible to assess the importance and significance of professional operational-tactical competences for cadets of a military university. The empirical method was implemented in the article, which is represented by a survey of the head of the training department of the Syzran branch of the Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin in order to analyze training curricula and assess the information and methodological support in the study of tactical disciplines. The main result of the study was the development of a conceptual content-functional model of formation of operational-tactical competences among future officers, containing the components of didactic complex in its structure, the implementation of which will contribute to the development of professional competences of military cadets. The authors prove the importance of simulation modeling in the process of studying the disciplines "General Tactics" and "Tactics of Army Aviation", the use of which is aimed at activating the knowledge potential obtained during training. Theoretical significance of the study is due to the contribution to the development of scientific ideas about the methodology of cadets’ operational-tactical competences formation. Practical application of the results of the work is associated with the possibility of implementing the proposed model in the system of training future officers. Prospects for further research are associated with the approbation of the methodological foundations of simulation modeling technology in the learning process in the context of the formation of professional operational-tactical competence of future officers.
ART 241089
The relevance of research and evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of personalization principles of education in collaborative learning through LXP platforms (using the example of intellectual processes of cognition) is determined by the dynamics of modern learning technologies development and the low number of research works on the potential of the effective implementation of personalization principles of education in collaborative learning based on LXP platforms. The goal is to evaluate the effectiveness of implementing personalization principles of education in collaborative learning through LXP platforms (using the example of intellectual processes of cognition). The research is based on several fundamental methodological approaches, including: systemic, individualized and cognitive approaches. The systemic approach is significant from the point of view of the development and debugging of the LXP platform, which was carried out during the practical stage of this research; individualized and cognitive approaches reflect the focus on subjective activity and taking into account the personal needs of students, principles of personalization during the ongoing experimental research. Systematization of the theory is carried out in the course of the research, revealing the specific features of collaborative learning, personalization and increasing the efficiency of using LXP platforms. The positive and effective impact of collaborative learning and individualization on the achieved learning outcomes is emphasized. It is noted that the principles of personalization based on LXP platforms are a fundamental functional element, which becomes a distinctive characteristic of the LXP platform. The comparison of LMS- and LXP-platforms demonstrates the advantage of the latter in working with highly motivated to learn groups, due to the provision of greater variety. The author describes the progress of assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of personalization principles of education in collaborative learning through LXP-platforms (using the example of intellectual processes of cognition), associated with the development of neuropsychological tests, deployment of the platform, its scaling, integration of additional functions, debugging, etc. This is the effectiveness of the developed functionality of the LXP-platform in the context of influencing cognitive processes that comes down to increasing the effectiveness of courses and reducing the time required to complete practical exercises. The theoretical significance of the study is related to the systematization of issues of collaborative learning, individualization and use of LXP platforms. The practical significance of the study is revealed from the point of view of the potential of using the described experience by teachers and developers of LXP platforms to increase the effectiveness of solutions intended for learning.
ART 241090
Various aspects of eliminating the failure of children at school are comprehensively worked out by teachers, psychologists, and methodologists. Insufficient level of education is the main reason for the unsatisfactory results obtained by students in an academic subject. We consider it advisable to make efforts not to eliminate existing failures, but to prevent their occurrence. Moreover, the earlier these prevention measures are carried out, the better the result can be achieved. Scientists distinguish various types of academic failure. The purpose of this study is the practical development of mathematical assignments aimed at early prevention of academic failure among first graders, and the theoretical justification of the requirements for them. Research concerns not only the educational results of students, but also their psychophysiological parameters. Summarizing the various points of view of scientists, it is possible to identify a number of reasons for the failure of children associated with pedagogical, psychological and social requirements. Early identification and elimination of the causes leading to student failure helps to avoid systematic gaps in knowledge and skills. We can prevent academic failure at different stages of children's education: "at the entrance" to the educational process; during the first grade; during the transition to the next grade. The following requirements for assignments aimed at early prevention of academic failure can be distinguished: an entertaining form of material presentation; digital form of assignment presentation; research nature of the tasks; increasing level of difficulty in completing assignments; tasks with a level hint; taking into account the individual interests of the child; encouragement in case of achieving a result. In the 2022-2023 academic year, an experimental study on early prevention of academic failure was conducted in the first grades of educational institutions in Saransk within the framework of the subject area "Mathematics and Computer Science". The roles were distributed as follows: the research group – students (future primary school teachers), the experimental group – 1st "B" grades of each of the three involved educational organizations, the control group - the remaining first grades. Teachers used the developed material proposed by the research group in the 1st "B" grades. In the course of the experimental study aimed at organizing preventive measures to avoid possible academic failure of first graders, we take into account such aspects of a harmoniously developing child as mental, emotional, and cognitive ones. The developed methodology of work is related to the prevention of school failure of first graders in the framework of the subject area "Mathematics and Computer Science".
ART 241091
Improving the quality of education in the field of natural sciences is an urgent problem in modern schools and requires the continuous development and application of methodological techniques and tools, including those aimed at developing students’ cognitive motivation. The purpose of the study: to identify the most common biological “myths” and to use them in the educational process as a basis for problematization of learning. To conduct the study, a questionnaire was developed that included biological statements aimed at assessing biological knowledge and belief in scientific “myths.” The collection of information was carried out with the use of the most reliable sources of scientific information: educational and methodological manuals, modern publications in peer-reviewed specialized journals. The study involved 81 people, including school students studying biology at basic and advanced levels, as well as participants of a youth conference. The data was recorded in a self-test format during a heuristic conversation with a demonstration of an illustrative materials’ set and self-assessment using a developed “truth-doubt-misconception” scale. Data processing and graphical visualization were performed in Microsoft Excel. The work resulted in identification of the most frequent biological “myths” popular among the surveyed groups of respondents with assumptions about possible causes and principles of their distribution. A lesson methodology has been developed that combines survey using provocative questions and self-testing during a heuristic conversation. The tested approaches to problematization of learning showed their effectiveness during a control survey in 12 months. The options for the regular use of problematic provocative questions in teaching biology at different levels are proposed as a further development of this work. The research results demonstrate the relevance of continuous updating educational materials according to modern scientific data. It is also important to diagnose students’ fallibility. In addition, the process of monitoring according to the proposed scheme can provide an independent motivating basis for in-depth study of the subject.
ART 241092
The rapid development of digital technologies has constantly opened up new opportunities for the educational system, while simultaneously issuing a number of new challenges and threats to its development. A new technology that is now actively being introduced into various spheres of life is artificial intelligence (AI) technology. The main vector that digital transformation has always set is the transfer of routine operations from humans to machines. In an educational context, this function of digital devices has been referred to as “increasing productivity and performance.” For example, the need to write lecture notes by hand has been replaced by digital function to translate the teacher’s voice into text using any smartphone, and the labor-intensive task of writing original text can now be easily solved using a bot based on AI technology. However, quite reasonable concerns have always accompanied this process of change, since in addition to productivity, the effectiveness of methods, techniques and means used has always been a relevant and even more important task in education. If in the early stages of digitalization (computerization and automation) of education, concerns were formed around the possibility of replacing the role of the teacher with a computer, now in the context of threats we are more likely talking about the ethical issues of using AI in the educational process, and as a consequence, the effectiveness of learning activities and the quality of the education received. The research purpose of this work is to study the existing experience of using AI technology by students using the example of universities in the Samara region to understand the nature of this process and the new challenges that arise in this context for the educational system as a whole. The theoretical implication of the study lies in generalization of up-to-date scientific works on the problem of using AI in education, comprehension of the essence of AI technology itself, opportunities and threats that arise in relation to the introduction of AI in education. The practical significance of the work is determined by finding problematic aspects in the use of AI by modern students, on the one hand, and determining some growth points that can move the Russian education to a new level of development through the application of modern technological innovations, on the other.
ART 241093
According to FSES, school graduates should not only be able to appeal to the basic facts and concepts from the courses of school subjects, but also to use this knowledge in practice. Therefore, teachers face the task of educating a functionally literate person. Nowadays, an integrated approach is widespread, which can be actively used for the development of students' reading literacy. The relevance of the research is connected with the fact that the ultimate goal of English language lessons within the school program is to acquire communicative competence, while in the implementation of the integrated approach the English language appears as a means of mastering other academic subjects (e.g. literature, history). The purpose of this publication is to examine the concepts of "reading literacy" and "integrated approach" and to identify how effective the latter is in forming a functionally literate person. The article also discusses the history and principles of the integrated approach (CLIL technologies), as well as the conditions for the development of students' reading literacy. Methods used in the research are analysis of domestic and foreign sources on the topic, monitoring student activities, questionnaire survey of students, generalization of pedagogical experience in the implementation of the integrated approach. Having analyzed the English textbook "Spotlight 10", we concluded that this textbook contains a sufficient number of tasks to implement the integrated approach. After summarizing the results of testing the integrated approach, we found that students had difficulties in working with authentic text, but the presence of unfamiliar vocabulary promoted more thoughtful and attentive reading and encouraged them to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words based on the context. In addition, the conducted questionnaire survey showed that students have a rather high cognitive interest in this type of work. Theoretical significance lies in the systematization of the essence of the key concepts of the article. The practical implication of the study lies the generalization of the experience of applying the presented methodological techniques of working with foreign-language text, which can be useful for practicing teachers and student teachers.
ART 241094
The relevance of the study is determined by the need to increase the effectiveness of students' research activities, to search for effective methods and forms of this activity, since instilling the skills of scientific research is an integral condition for the formation of professional competency of graduates in the higher education system. The purpose of the study is to identify factors that can contribute to the intensification of research activities of students during their studies in higher educational institutions of the country. When writing the article, an analysis of the opinions of domestic and foreign scientists was made, which helped the author to clarify the concept of research activities of students, to give it the author's original definition, as well as to reveal the directions for the implementation of this activity. To identify the factors of intensification of research activities of students, the method of questioning students of the Department of Economics and Management of the Institute of Economics, Management and Law of the Moscow City Pedagogical University was used. Open-ended and close-ended questions were used. The results of the survey revealed the attitude of more than 100 undergraduate students of training areas 38.03.04 “State and Municipal Administration” and 44.03.05 “Pedagogical Education” (with two training profiles) of the specialization "Social Studies and Economics" to research activities. Students realize the importance of its implementation for their successful career in the future, and the driving reasons for this process are not only material encouragement, but also interest, gaining research experience, and the development of professional competences. Among the reasons that prevent students from doing science are lack of time, lack of interest, uninteresting organization and insufficient material and emotional encouragement. In this regard, we can recommend diversifying the forms and methods of research activities – the implementation of project research and their subsequent publication, the use of distance forms of support for students to save their time, and the active use of digital methods. The results of the article can be used to develop measures for the development of student science in universities.
ART 241095
Modernization of library education involves the use of technologies that ensure simultaneous work with sound, images and text. The ability to use computer animation tools in working on projects and teamwork skills are the required soft skills, the formation of which determines the professional self–realization of librarians. The purpose of the study is to identify the potential of using animation in the media space of the "Library Night" to develop the teamwork skills of graduate students. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the didactic potential of including animation tools in the information interaction of library service participants for the formation of collaboration skills is substantiated. Theoretical significance – the identified opportunities are supported by communication in the media space of the library for the development of soft skills required in the digital society. The media space of the "Library Night" is considered as a combination of resources that allows professional collaboration in a new format. The Renderforest platform is used to develop didactic animation. 68 graduate students of the Orel State Institute of Culture are involved. Their area of training is "Social and cultural activities", specialization: "Project management in the socio-cultural sphere". The study of animation tools was implemented within the framework of the discipline "Information Technology in Science and Education". V. Stefanson's methodology was used to assess the formation of students' teamwork skills. For statistical processing, Pearson's χ2 (chi-square) test and Fisher's method (angular transformation) were used. The authors formulated the ideas of a methodological approach reflecting the necessary changes in the system of training specialists, taking into account the digitalization of library and information services. They clarified the potential of animation tools for improving the quality of library education, and, in particular, for development of the teamwork skills among graduate students: the development of skills to listen to alternative opinions, accept the standards and values of the group, follow the social, moral and ethical norms of the team. It is concluded that the use of animation tools in the media space of the "Library Night" contributes to the formation of teamwork skills among graduate students: new opportunities for collaboration and project activities, innovative work experience, etc. There are also factors complicating the team building process: lack of communication between employees; weak motivation; low social status of the profession. The results obtained can be used to improve master's degree programs, advanced training courses, and the organization of the library's media space.
ART 241096
The organization of the educational process at a pedagogical university is carried out in accordance with regulatory documents: the professional standard of a teacher and the Federal State Educational Standard of higher education. The relevance of the article is determined by the need to find ways to train a teacher, including the acquisition of both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. A solution to this problem could be found by using practice-based tasks. The purpose of this article is to analyze the problem of preparing a bachelor of pedagogical education for the use of digital educational resources in future professional work and to justify the effectiveness of using the developed methodological approaches to its solution. The potential of digital educational resources in the implementation of the currently most popular digital learning technologies are revealed. In connection with the transition to the core of pedagogical education, the country’s universities have included unified disciplines in their curricula for 75% of study time. One of them is the discipline “Digital Education Technologies”, which belongs to the communicative and digital module of the curriculum for preparing bachelors of Pedagogical Education. The research methods used were analysis of the content of the core of pedagogical education, as well as methodological recommendations on the problems of teaching this discipline. It was found that researchers did not pay due attention to digital educational resources, despite the fact that one of the four sections of the discipline is devoted to them in the core of pedagogical education. As results, the article presents two laboratory works aimed at developing universal and general pedagogical competences related to the assessment and application of information technologies in professional activities. The content of the theoretical part of the laboratory work is revealed, with attention being focused on students’ deep understanding of the potential of digital educational resources and the effectiveness of their use. The practical part is described, the basis of which consists of analytical tasks for searching and analyzing information and practice-oriented tasks for independent development of materials.
ART 241097
The requirements of modern education for each student to achieve high quality learning outcomes can only be met if special conditions are created for the child. This process is described in in research works devoted to the personification of education. The process of personification of modern school education involves creating conditions for students to choose and implement an individual educational trajectory in the context of non-linear education, taking into account his/her motives, interests, abilities, educational needs, as well as taking responsibility for the educational results obtained. The purpose of the article is to model the diagnosis of personification of the school educational environment in accordance with the structure of the environment, its parametric characteristics, strategies and scenarios of personification. The main approach of the study is the environmental approach as a methodological basis for designing the process of the school educational environment personification, focused on achieving modern quality of education in accordance with the individual educational request of the student. The authors of the article identify the relationships between the components of the education quality, components of the educational environment and strategies for personifying the educational environment of the school: strategies of events occurrence, self-realization, support. Based on this, an attempt was made to model the diagnostics of the personification of the school educational environment, including: assessment of the parametric characteristics of the educational environment of a school in accordance with the designated strategies; identification of student and parent satisfaction with respect to the components of the educational environment, analysis of fixed individual educational outcomes and achievements; study of options for staging the personification of the educational environment. In conclusion, the article considers the structure of the educational environment as a basis for identifying educational risks in the context of personification of school education. The theoretical implication of the study lies in the construction of a model for diagnosing the personification of school education in the context of the environmental approach. The combination of indicated diagnostic methods can be used in the practice of management activities of heads of educational organizations to assess the effectiveness of the process of personifying the school educational environment and designing its optimal scenario.
ART 241098
The field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) includes leading developments in the sphere of science and technology, which immediately resonates with the educational space, so the development of AI in education is always a relevant research issue. The aim of the research is to study the current AI trends related to innovative intelligent machines and their practical benefits for the educational process. The paper provides a brief history of the emergence and use of modern programmed machines and the intelligent systems modelling them. Thereby an attempt has been made to make a live link between theory and practice on the issue under consideration. As the methods of research, we applied description, systematization, classification of theoretical aspects of modern pedagogical science, as well as objective data of the practical component of the up-to-date educational process. The main results of the study show that modern technologies involving AI will not be able to fully replace humans, as they are not able to think and feel like humans, so neural networks are currently assigned only a "second role": the role of informant/teacher's assistant. In addition to the undeniable benefits of AI, there are also real threats to humans: social, ethical, psychological, cognitive, etc. There is no doubt that education of today is undergoing profound changes with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented intelligence (AU), ushering in an era when learning will become fully personalized, adaptive and suited to the individual needs of the learner. The graphical model illustrates the opportunities of applying AI transformation in the educational process, taking into account the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in the learner (student). Four plans for transforming AI in the learning process are described in detail: a softskills plan, a learner assessment plan, learning analytics plans, and plans for improving the student experience. A general overview of the development of educational trends taking into account the field of innovative technologies on the example of the Russian Federation, China and other countries (Spain, India, Brazil, Australia, Finland) is given, which constitutes the practical implication of the article.
Storytelling as a pedagogical technology for training future managers in the higher education system
ART 241099
Modern education pays increasing attention to innovative teaching methods that contribute to the development of key skills and competences among future specialists. One of these methods is storytelling, which is actively being introduced into the educational process of universities as a gaming technology for training future managers. The combination of the emotional appeal of stories and the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice makes storytelling an effective tool for developing leadership skills, developing analytical thinking and decision-making in management majors. In this context, it is important to consider how storytelling can be used to successfully prepare future managers for the challenges of modern business. The aim of the article is to study and analyze the literature of domestic and foreign authors on the issue of using storytelling technology, as well as to determine the structure and characteristics of storytelling use as a pedagogical technology for training future managers in the higher education system. The main results of the article present the structure of storytelling as a pedagogical technology for training future managers in the higher education system, which includes 5 stages: introduction, the task of which is to establish contact with the audience; development of the plot, including a description of the actions of the characters and the consequences to which these actions lead; climax, in which the highest point of tension is reached; conclusion, accompanied by suppositions and summaries of the main lessons; discussion and interaction aimed at obtaining feedback from students. The characteristics of storytelling in the educational process are also identified, which include attractiveness and memorability, establishment of an emotional connection, development of creative thinking, participation and interaction, and the use of cases in real life. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the study and analysis of literature by domestic and foreign authors on the issue of using storytelling technology. The practical significance of the study lies in the development of the structure of storytelling as a pedagogical technology that can be used by teachers when preparing lecture and practical materials for future managers.
ART 241100
Social problems, rapid development of science and changing needs of society bring significant changes in the educational sphere of the modern world. New requirements for teachers include the development of students' skills in searching and analyzing information. Future professionals should be capable of non-standard approaches, logical conclusions, search for solutions and critical understanding of information supported by evidence-based arguments. The actual solution to these problems is the introduction of interdisciplinary content of education, presented abroad in the form of interdisciplinary cross-curricular topics in the curriculum, research and projects, STEM-programs and others. Ideas and ways of cognition extracted from different disciplines and subjects are combined in the interdisciplinary content of education to create a more complete explanation of phenomena. The use of interdisciplinary content in general education is widely supported abroad because of its potential to develop critical thinking in students. This approach allows students to compare data, ideas, concepts, and notions from different areas of knowledge. The comparison of data, ideas, concepts, and ideas from different areas of knowledge becomes possible through the use of this approach. Therefore, the purpose of this article is related to structuring the model of interdisciplinary learning task and highlighting the differences and peculiarities in the application of educational and interdisciplinary learning tasks in the educational process. Analysis and synthesis, including the study of literature on the topic of research, modeling and designing the structure of the model of interdisciplinary learning task were used as methods of research. As a result of theoretical research, the works of domestic and foreign researchers in the field of development of interdisciplinary paradigm of education were analyzed. The article may be of theoretical interest for teachers of general educational organizations and other researchers of this issue.
ART 242010
The issues of existential development of students in the process of professional training are of special interest to researchers from the point of view of studying personal properties, characteristics and resources of future specialists. Hardiness is an important personal quality of a student, which contributes to the effective use of personal capabilities and, as a desired life outcome, to the achievement of existential development. The aim of the article is to verify and justify the existence of a relationship between the indicators of hardiness and existential development in students at different stages of education. The research has shown that the degree of existential development manifestation increases in students with age. The revealed regularity is conditioned by the age peculiarities of hardiness manifestation, which increases due to the fact of involvement in educational and professional activity and is accompanied by the experience of existential development - self-realization, self-fulfillment, vocation.
ART 242011
The relevance of the research is due to the fact that a person throughout his or her life is in a vulnerable position from the influence of both internal and external factors. Particular importance is attached to the studying of the psychological trauma phenomenon at the present stage due to the rapid pace of society development and changing environmental conditions. The main purpose of the research is to make a retrospective analysis of the views of different researchers on the psychological trauma. The result of the research is the presented analysis of concepts and practical models of therapy on the psychological trauma issue.
psychological trauma
ART 243004
Hotel business is the largest complex component of the travel industry. Thus, the entire tourism industry depends on the development of the hotel business. The purpose of the work is to assess the state and prospects of the hotel business development at the regional level. The article presents the results of the study of the main modern trends in the development of the hotel business in the Altai region. The authors discuss the problems of the hotel business development, such as the physical and moral «aging» of the material fund, the lack of qualified personnel, and the growth of competition.
ART 243005
Hydropower industry is the most developed area of renewable energy production in Germany. German experience in the operation of hydroelectric power plants, the use of new technologies and standardization of processes can be useful to many countries around the world. The purpose of the study is to assess the condition of hydropower industry in Germany and the prospects for its development. In the course of the work, the regulatory framework for hydropower industry was studied, a number of performance indicators of hydroelectric power plants were analyzed, and prospects for improving hydropower facilities were considered. A conclusion has been formulated about the development of hydropower industry in Germany through the modernization of old and the construction of small and large mine hydroelectric power plants.