№ 05 (May)

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The paper deals with all Russian and regional monitoring data considering the topical issue of collective identity of the peoples of the Republic of Kalmykia – Federal subject of the Russian Federation.
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The paper views the connection of act and will. The act is defined as a short-term activity. It is shown that the act motivation has a direct link with manifestation of will. The author considers steps of motivation process development and corresponded to them reasons of the manifestation of will; shows that the decision-making process can be identified as an act motivation.
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The paper describes the tools supporting strategic decision-making at the level of organization. The author marks concept, classification, requirements for information used in the organization's management system.
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The paper discusses commodity management. The authors describe comparative characteristic of the sys-tems studied accounting goods (in particular bar codes and RFID technology); show the efficiency of use of RFID technology in the enterprise.
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The article describes the experience of visiting the Olympiad in mathematics in the Kirov region for applicants Vyatka State University, organized in the 2015/2016 academic year, the Faculty of Computer and Physical and Mathematical Sciences. The competition presents practice-oriented assignment of two difficulty levels: Basic tasks that are typical of the final certification for the course of the primary school, and case-assignment of the three branches of mathematics: algebra, mathematical analysis and probability theory with increasingly complex tasks. A version works with solutions and analysis of the generalized statistical results of pupils of 10-11 classes of educational institutions of the Kirov region, took part in the competition.
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The paper presents the theoretical analysis of value orientations among modern young people and the results of the study of terminal values in life of students-psychologists. Leading positions in the hierarchy of terminal values of students-psychologists is a “private prestige”, “preserve their individuality” and “active social contacts”. These values are meaningful in the most important spheres of life such, as “training and education”, “professional life”, “hobbies”.
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The paper describes the tropes that are based on the contrast (antiphrasis, antiphrasis, oxymoron), and their functions, exercises for students to develop the ability to analyze the tropes. Contrast-based tropes give rich opportunities for designing bright, attention-grabbing, expressive expressions for creation satirical descriptions and characteristics, as they are based on opposition of the lexical content and meaning.
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The paper analyzes the programs on the manual labor of the early XX century. The author discusses the program of K. Yu. Tsiruyl, I. Schneerson, O. A. Salomon; the specificity of manual labor teaching in the early twentieth century; the types of works recommended for execution of different groups of materials for the manufacture of products.
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The paper deals with the problem of improving the quality of information interaction of subjects in the educational sphere in the context of the use of information and communication technologies, networking partners of educational process, creation and development of educational clusters as centers of integration of science, education and industry.
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The work focuses on the issues of L. Shcherba and N. Chomsky's ideas implementation into language education. The emphasis is upon studying the American and Soviet scholars' ideas conceptual reminiscence. The analyzed scientific capability is pointed out to be fundamental to competence approach in language education. The paper states that the effective linguistic competence training prospect is associated with L. Shcherba and N. Chomsky's innovations.
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The paper explains the following thesis: the interpretation of laws, fixed by the term "anthropic principle", in line with the natural theology (which takes place in the works of a number of theologians and philosophers, as well as representatives of the natural sciences) paradoxically leads to a result opposite to the plan of representatives of natural theology. After comprehending their reasoning, it is reasonable to evaluate the past as an argument in favor of the existence of objective boundaries of the divine will and power. This contradiction is regarded by us as a particular manifestation of the inherent contradictions of natural theology as such, which does not seem constructive option of dialogue between science and religion, and their "mixing".
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The paper deals with manifestation of persuasion and different approaches in linguistic research describing the models, which enable to disclose linguistic means of direct and indirect persuasion relevant to the evaluation of a language material.
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The paper is devoted to the use of means of physical culture and sports in the process of professional and applied physical training of students at the University. The authors have developed a complex of physical exercises with professional-applied physical preparation of students of economic faculty.
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The paper describes some of the features of Korean etiquette, which is an integral part of doing business and cultural exchange with Korean partners. From practical point of view, it is necessary to know the exist-ing rules of traditional behavior for successful business meetings.
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The paper deals with the use of special-preparatory exercises for students’ physical training for raising speed and power abilities. Methodological base of research is the theoretical basis for building training sessions.
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The paper analyzes different approaches to the concept “social practice” that reflects the ways of realization of social partnership as means of organizing social practices at modern school on the example of the children association “Forest land” at Municipal Budgetary General Education Institution “Secondary General School №25” in Chita.
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The paper deals with the elements of fire preparation of official vehicles driver promptly detention center of the Interior. Specificity of staff performance data may lead to the use of firearms. The technique of training drivers. Particular attention is paid to the specific problems of shooting training for professional drivers. We present a series of training exercises with firearms carried out within the framework of enhancing the qualification of drivers.
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The paper is devoted to the legislative innovations, which enshrine the rule of estoppel in Russian civil legislation. In reliance on the court practice analysis the author concludes that estoppel, flowing logically from the principle of good faith, has dual legal nature as it is enshrined in substantive law and procedural law.
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The paper opens understanding of process of public servant vocational training, describes the mechanisms promoting it and pays attention not only to the general principles of vocational training, but also to productivity.
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In connection with the distribution in space of the national economy of the Russian crisis, affecting the worsening problems of unemployment, there is a need to regulate these issues for the purpose of leveling the negative impact of this socio-economic process. Through the prism of existing disharmonious disturbances in modern conditions of Russian economy the problem of unemployment and its relationship to economic conditions of the country. Analyzed the basic factors of unemployment. In this regard, measures for mitigation and elimination of unemployment and the consequences it caused.
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The problem of raising the level of mathematical preparation of students of mathematical and technical specialties should be addressed to both the course of school level algebra and analysis, and the preparation to the Unified State Examination in mathematics (profile level). The example of the application of the functional-graphical method for solving trigonometric equations and inequalities in problems of high level on the use math level profile, demonstrates one of the possibilities of differentiated approach in training future first-year student of technical or mathematical University. For example, the decision of tasks demonstrates the advantages of using functional-graphical method for solving trigonometric equations and inequalities in the formation and development of skills of analysis and graphing of elementary functions. The paper is of interest to academicians, high school teachers and students wishing to enter technical or mathematical university.
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The paper describes the main preconditions for the use of hardware and software platforms in the educational process of specialists for the automotive industry. The experience of the practical application of Arduino platform is described.
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The paper analyses intertext inclusions from the Silver age poets’ creative work and “red poets” images into L. Ulitskaya’s and Z.Prilepin’s novels. The definition of the author’s position is regarded as the main poetic function of intertext items. It is proved that in the work of both writers “red” poets’ images make for reveal-ing the main idea of the novels delineating characters’ function as well as disclosing the function of peculiar historical epochs: the post-revolutionary 1920s in Z. Prilepin’s novel and the Post-Stalin 1960s-1980s in L.Ulitskaya’s one; intertext items from I. Annensky, K. Balmont, A.Blok, V. Bryusov, S.Esenin, K. Sluchev-sky, F.Sologub and others help to define the mentality of Russian character. The Silver age poetry is con-cluded to be conceptual for the novels Green Marquee and Abode owing to the authors’ comprehension of Russian literature-based mental outlook which doesn’t always have creative spiritual sense.
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The paper is devoted to moral and psychological condition of Syrian legions of the Roman army in the I century A.D. This research examines the works of ancient Roman writers and historians about the legions' daily life and the soldiers' behavior during military campaigns. Roman literature describes the legionnaires as well provided by money and undisciplined people. Nevertheless, in I century A.D. the Roman army won multiple wars in the Near East. This fact allows to suggest that the image of the Syrian legions created by Roman historians was a stereotype.
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The paper deals with the actual problem of general and special education – application of modern information technologies in the educational process. The author describes the purpose of multimedia technologies in teaching biology and geography to students with mental retardation.
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The paper is devoted to teaching theory of limits in the course of mathematical analysis and the problems that arise in presenting educational material. To master the recording skills of the Cauchy function limit determination in the language «epsilon-delta», the authors propose a table that addressed all possible argument aspirations, written through the surroundings and intervals; provide definitions of the function limit for all cases reviewed in the table and explain in detail the content and meaning of these basic definitions on the examples of tasks. The authors offer the table that summarizes the uncertainties and shows the ways of their elimination. Calculation method of all kinds of limits on a wide range of tasks is also illustrated. The paper can be useful to lecturers and first-year students.
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The paper considers the question of influence of applied orientation of stochastics training on the formation and development of probabilistic thinking and probabilistic and statistical representations of pupils. The authors present analysis of the survey results at senior level of formation of representations about the application potential of mathematics in terms of the use of mathematical ideas and methods in the field of future professional interests of graduates of high school non-mathematical sections.
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In modern conditions of development of education when we walk away from the traditional way of teaching and increasingly in practice ordinary schools are non-traditional ideas, approaches, technologies, methods and ways of learning. Besides the issues of modeling of information educational environment of educational institution. This article discusses the concept of "information and educational space", "information educational environment". Deals with the issues of their interaction.