№ 07 (Jule)

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Opportunities for the development of social competence of the head of a preschool educational organization through pedagogical design seem to be a pressing issue in the context of modern sociocultural transformations. This is due not only to humanistic principles, focused on value-moral and active understanding of professional activity, but also taking into account national-cultural characteristics and regional aspects of pre-school education system in a single educational discourse. One of the problematic components in the light of the proposed research seems to be an insufficient level of reflection of social competence as a component of the professiogram of the head of an educational organization. The main research methods of the proposed problem are the analysis and typology of existing approaches in domestic and foreign scientific research to the definition of formal-functional signs of social competence, as well as the questionnaire method, which allows us to determine the degree of the professional community awareness and interest in this aspect. The decomposition of this phenomenon in the light of modern research allowed us to identify a number of components, such as information-cognitive, motivational and value, communicative, social and personal ones. As the observations show, heads show much concern for the information-cognitive and communicative components, while the motivational, axiological and socio-personal components remain outside the zone of attention in professional activities. The research allows us to put forward pedagogical design as an optimal method in social and professional activities, influencing the development of social competence, improving the quality of professional functions in cooperation with the social partners of an educational organization. It is necessary to conduct further research that will allow us, to develop methods for incorporating into the process of pedagogical personnel training the formation of social competence in the context of all its components census.
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Fast changing living conditions, social stratification have resulted in the loss of stability and confidence in the future, weakening of family and traditional values. A family is the main social institution, which has difficulties in formation of moral values in children. The whole social situation makes us deliberate about the problem: what moral guidelines, purports and values will determine their future social existence? The theoretical importance of research consists in determining the causes that lead to differences between understanding and learning of values in secular and orthodox schools. The authors suppose that the main causes of it are the following: changing of socio-economic conditions of development in modern Russian society; conditions and traditions of family education; educational system in schools; some features of teenagers’ subcultural traditions; the influence of media on the formation of modern spiritual and moral ideals system. The practical significance of the research consists in finding the means and methods that allow us to study the common and different aspects in the development of spiritual and moral values by modern high school students. It is found that honour, personal dignity, conscience, justice and moral duty are generally appreciated spiritual and moral values. There is difference in understanding of such concepts as philanthropy, will and faith in good. Moreover, it is found out that such concepts appeared to be in the zone of non-acceptance and (or) are neglected as values. 16 % of secular high school students do not accept and do not understand such moral criteria as philanthropy, will and faith in good and exclude them from the list of their personal values. After this research, we think that it is necessary to study key aspects of this problem. We need to find the conditions that help us with the formation of spiritual and moral values system in both secular and orthodox schools.
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The paper presents an analysis of competitive activity in the perspective of a competence-oriented approach, which allows not only foregrounding interdisciplinary communication, but also contributes to the formation of a special motivation to further mastering the basics of professional activity in a higher educational institution. The relevance of the study is due to the lack of theoretical works on the issue of the application of competitive activity in the formation of professional competences in higher education. The study notes that a professional competition involving the pragmatic and cognitive components of education can serve as a starting mechanism in stimulating interest in further profession mastering. The aim of the study is to evaluate the degree of effectiveness of professionally-oriented competitive activity in the formation of competences for students majoring in translation and translation studies. The main research methods include theoretical analysis and synthesis of methodological and pedagogical literature, the study of foreign and domestic experience in training specialists, empirical methods – observation, pedagogical experiment, diagnostics, which confirmed the viability of the initial hypothesis and the effectiveness of the developed system of competitive tasks; auxiliary research methods – analysis of university documentation and methods of statistical processing of empirical data made it possible to evaluate the results of the experiment, to give a theoretical justification for the practical results obtained. Terminological analysis showed that at the moment such concepts as “competitive activity” and “competition” are practically not represented in the pedagogical-reference literature. The authors conclude that competitive activity, which is interpreted, above all, as an effective form of game training, is a productive and effective means of teaching students. It is noted that a higher school teacher faces a number of difficulties in implementing the above approach in the framework of classroom activity. On the basis of a retrospective analysis of the experiments of translation competitions, it is indicated that such a competitive extracurricular event allows us to set a new vector in the development of general and professional competences among students of translation specialty. Theoretical substantiation of the effectiveness of competitive activity as an auxiliary tool in the training of specialists in the field of translation can make a certain contribution to the development of the theory of vocational education. The practical significance of the study lies in the opportunity to apply the methodology of the competition, presented as a set of individual tasks.
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Appealing to the traditions of musical enlightenment as the most important institute of modern culture makes it possible to realize the special mission of the musician-educator, who can carry out the organization of cultural and educational environment successfully and implement musical and educational projects in professional activities. Consideration of the teacher-musician University training in the context of educational ideas popularization allows us to present theoretical aspects of the future professional readiness formation to implement musical and educational projects, cultural and educational programs. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the essence and describe the structural components of "readiness for musical and educational activities" concept; to present the main directions of classroom and extracurricular work at the University, allowing to prepare an educator-musician for musical and educational work. Consideration of the professional training process in the context of readiness for the organization of musical and educational work was carried out on the basis of the environmental, cultural, personal activity and competence-oriented approaches unity. Generalization of researches on this topic allowed us to consider the readiness for musical and educational activities as the result and the goal of University training of the future specialists in the field of musical and pedagogical education. Presenting this notion as a complex phenomenon that integrates professional and personal characteristics of the individual, the following interrelated and interdependent components of the individual's readiness for musical and educational activities have been identified and described: value-motivational, cognitive, activity-creative ones. The theoretical and practical significance of the article is determined by the possibility of using the scientific results obtained in the course of the study in order to substantiate and develop a model and technology for the formation of readiness of an educator-musician to implement musical and educational projects, to improve various types and forms of musical and educational work in institutions of various types, to develop various educational materials (programs, guidelines, etc.).
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Over the past decade, there has been a significant increase in the number of patients with eating disorders both in Russia and abroad, which is a very serious problem. The number of patients with different diagnosed eating disorders, including patients with anorexia nervosa, is increasing. This article discusses the theoretical issues of aggressive behavior study in female patients diagnosed with anorexia nervosa through the prism of health psychology, as well as the importance of mental and physical health in patients diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. Scientists pay great attention to this problem, because, according to the results of ten-year observation of the patients ' catamnesis data, the patient's life ends in death due to multiple somatic disorders. Almost 20% of young girls end their lives with suicide. In terms of lethality, anorexia nervosa keeps the first place among all mental disorders. The problems of violence and aggression in patients have not been sufficiently studied, and there are no regulated, clear protocols for the study of this problem, which complicates the work of a specialist. Aggression and violence in patients with anorexia nervosa may be a form of the self-image protection. Moreover, the patient exhibits such protective behavior as the main way to solve difficulties and problems. A psychologist working in the field of health psychology must remember that each person has unique individual, personal features and qualities.
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The authors of the article present a psychological analysis of children’s fears at senior preschool age, motivated by empirical research. The basis for setting the goals of the study was the hypothetical assumption that psycho-gymnastics may be an effective means of correcting fears in senior preschool children belonging to the category of acquired (imposed). The results of the experiment confirmed the hypothesis.
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The article is devoted to identifying specific aspects of the socio-psychological adaptability of cadets depending on the level of their psychological sovereignty. The results of the study may be of theoretical and practical importance for the differentiated work of a psychologist with cadets in a military higher education institution, taking into account the peculiarities of socio-psychological adaptability and the levels of each cadet’s psychological sovereignty.
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The article reports on the results of the auditory perception examination of preschoolers with a cochlear implant. It is noted that children do not have the skills to use the restored hearing in everyday life. The article describes the technology of rehabilitation work with implanted preschoolers. The essence of the rehabilitation work is to teach these children to perceive the content of the statements, to understand the meaning of the information they hear.
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The article is devoted to the study of the use of vocabulary with a quantitative meaning by children with speech pathology. It presents the results of the study, the participants of which are senior preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech. The content of diagnostic tools is described. The diagnostic complex includes three tasks provided with speech and illustrative material. After completion of the study, the author analyzed the verbal products of children and defined specific types of errors that senior preschoolers with speech pathology made when using vocabulary with quantitative meaning in isolation and as part of syntactic constructions.
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Political myths have been existing from ancient times. Being a form of social consciousness, they always reflect the interests of a narrow social group. They can motivate the population of the country to creative activity or cause chaos, the collapse of society and the state. This article is devoted to the analysis of the latter situation, when the destruction of a certain political myth or the creation of a new one can have an influence on the very possibility of the collapse or destruction of the state.
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The article discusses the objectives of the special legal regulation of labor relations for the certain categories of employees. The author systematizes and classifies the specific aspects of legal regulation for the certain categories of employees that are currently in force in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and suggests possible additions to section XII of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation due to the changes of socio-economic situation.
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The article is devoted to the study of Beccaria's legal views, which were reflected in his works. The main work was the study of the treatise "On crimes and punishments", which is one of the most famous works of the Italian thinker. The author also describes the provisions of the works of CH. Beccaria, reflected in the modern criminal and criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation.
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The article is devoted to the main issues related to the regulation of trade on the Internet. The definition and legal status of an online store are analyzed. The main limitations are considered when selling goods online. The authors investigate the ratio of means and methods of selling goods in social networks with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
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The article discusses the problem points of the implementation of contractual relations with the participation of a foreign element and possible solutions to the identified issues. The authors propose some ways of applying the blockchain technology and smart-contracts in foreign trade transactions and consider their importance for the legal regulation of such contracts. They analyze the existing practice and prospects for the use of such methods.
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To maximize the market value of a company, it is necessary to increase the profitability of either its own or borrowed capital, but under the condition that the company’s financial stability is preserved. Currently, large Russian organizations prefer to apply the concept of company value management, based on the cost approach. The article provides an example of this approach implementation in JSC Elektropribor.
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The article outlines the main characteristics of the digital economy that affect the organization of management accounting in companies. The authors give the concept, analyze the content of management accounting, review the requirements for information contained in management accounting, offer classifications of management accounting. They reveal main problems of its rendering, arising due to the development of computer technologies: misunderstanding of the purpose and role of management accounting, underestimation of the role of organization’s financial structure building, lack of legislative forms of internal accounting, choice of management accounting automation software. The authors propose possible recommendations for solving these problems, and work out the stages of rendering management accounts in the conditions of economy digitalization.
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This article discusses the issue of ensuring economic security, developing and improving the profitability of healthcare institutions in remote regions. The dependence of the quality of life and the number of people on the degree of health system development has been determined. The author reviews the principles of improving efficiency and quality of services provided in health care facilities, and defines the main sources of funding.
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The development of agglomerations today is an important direction in the field of socio-economic development of the region. At the same time, the development of agglomerations was not fully institutionalized. There remain unresolved questions of the normative fixing of goals, objectives, and forms of agglomerations development. Several attempts of agglomerations development legal regulation in regional legislation lead only to inconsistency and the lack of a single concept of “agglomeration”.
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The article compares the approaches of presidential candidates to solving the main problems of the country's economic development. The authors analyze speeches of the candidates and their election programs set out during the pre-election period. They reveal common and different positions of candidates on the problems of taxes, banking system, industrial sector of the economy, property rights, rates and factors of economic growth of the country.
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Internet space has an increasing impact on the life of a modern person. It is necessary to use modern means of communication with consumers for successful promotion of products and services. The article highlights the positive and negative aspects of products promotion in the Internet space, the main trends in the development of the Internet as a space for marketing communication with consumers of tourist services, and reveals the peculiarities of the audience involvement formation.
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The article presents statistical data that confirms the weak innovative activity of companies in the Russian Federation. The authors reveal the problems and prospects for their innovative development through the analysis of various economic journals and researches. The article is devoted to the environment of domestic companies functioning, examines a range of major problems and ways for their solutions, as well as prospects for the development of innovative activity of companies.
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The article is devoted to the study of cognitive-frame features of epistemic adverbs in English. The most frequent adverbs of the English epistemic modality are considered. The aim of the work is to describe the cognitive meanings of epistemic adverbs and identify their textual implementation in the form of frames. The authors argue that the epistemic adverbs have a cognitive-frame structure in the English language, in terms of content reflecting mental processes based on experience and knowledge.
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The article is devoted to such type of secondary student texts in English as an essay-opinion (opinion essay). The author covers the problems of studying secondary student texts and describes the stylistic, as well as structural and lexical-grammatical characteristics of opinion-essay in foreign educational and scientific discourse.
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The article is devoted to the study of archaisms and historicisms in the literary works of V.M. Shukshin. The work was carried out using the methods of lexicology and linguistic analysis of the text, i.e. lexicographic work was carried out using dictionaries, and the use and functioning of archaisms and historicisms was carefully analyzed in the works of the selected writer. The author hypothesized that V. M. Shukshin, as a master of artistic description of mostly rural and illiterate people, used widely not only dialect and vernacular vocabulary in his works, but also archaisms and historicisms. It is important that, according to our assumptions, V. M. Shukshin used these outdated lexemes in the living colloquial speech of the Siberian village inhabitants, which he describes in many works.